What is the best way to mix and inject HCG


New member
Hi all,

I am a newbie and have taken the advice of Nightmare007 post of cycling for beginners. I have all my gear but have a few questions regarding HCG.

1. What is the best way to mix HCG? I have a 30ml bottle of bacteriostatic water that I know I can mix with it so that the solutions are easier to measure. How is the best way to do this? I will be taking 250mg 2x week. Should I mix all of my HCG into/with this 30ml bacteriostatic water and then just withdraw from this weekly or would you mix several different containers? I have several packages for 2000 IU and one for 10000 IU. Is it safe to mix them all together?

2. I know it has to be stored in the fridge but have read that people warm it up prior to injection. What is the best way to do this or is it best to just inject it cold with your Test? Will it hurt to inject cold?

3. I have a box of 29 gauge 1 cc/ml easy touch insulin syringes. How would I inject HCG with these needles or would I be better to draw into my TEST syringe and use it at the same time (3cc 29 gauge)?

I am trying to figure out how best to measure the HCG and inject it as well.


Hi sir, here's what I had to do. Because at first I wanted to run both HCG and Test in the same syringe, I quickly learned it would just be easier to grab some insulin pins and inject both separately.

I bought

23ga x 1" needles for drawing test.
25ga x 1" needles for injecting test
3cc syringes - injecting test
29ga x .5" x 1cc - Insulin pins for drawing and injecting HCG

Use 23 for drawing because it's larger and will draw test easier.
Use 25 for injecting because it will reduce pain, and scarring, making for a faster recovery and a slower introduction of a new substance into the body.
Use any size syringe that will allow for one injection at the set amount needed.
Use an insulin pin for drawing and injecting the HCG as it's very quick and convenient.
Inject Test IM with a 1"-1.5" needle depending on the location.
Inject HCG SubQ with a 0.5" needle and a very fine gauge, I pinched my stomach fat and injected right next to my belly button the first time.

As for mixing the HCG, did it come as a powder in an ampule or as a pre-mixed solution?

If it's powder I'll go ahead and answer the question to give you a quick response. If it's powder, use a sterile mixing syringe (blunt needle, large syringe) to draw up 1ml of bacteriostatic water from your 30ml vial. Take that BAC water, break the ampule and fill the ampule slowly with the water, allowing the water to run down the side of the ampules wall. Take the open ampule and just give it a few gentle swirls to get the powder fully mixed. Look closely to ensure it's mixed. Draw up every last bit of it, make sure to get it all.
Put that mixture into a sterile empty vial.

From this stage, I had 5000iu ampules of HCG. So with 1ml of BAC water, and 5000iu's of HCG the mixture is 5000iu/ml. I added 4 more ml's of BAC water to the sterile vial, making it a 1000iu/ml concentration. I wanted a .25ml shot at 250iu's, short and sweet.

If you have any additional questions feel free.
One way you can make this a little simpler is to draw all the bac water into the mixing syringe (provided it will hold it), then only squirt a portion into the vial and draw back up. Then inject the contents of the syringe into your sterile vial. Saves an injection and a measuring step.
Thanks Hypnotix!! Very good information. I have bought the same list of supplies you mentioned above and was just wondering if I was thinking correctly when I purchased the insulin pins. I do have the powder so thanks for clarifying for me.

I had to take Cumadin shots in the belly a few years back and am eerie about stomach shots. Those always left a bruise too. Do the pins leave bruises? Where else can you stick HCG? I am injecting in the glutes and was thinking of sticking HCG in a bicep possibly, maybe belly if it's not to painful. Also, what about heating it up as it will be stored in the fridge and cold? Will the cold matter or make it more sensitive?
Well you don't actually inject directly into the body, it's kind of at an angle, you wanna get into the fat, or the skin if you will. 29ga shouldn't leave a bruise, I could never feel it I swear, nothing like an intramuscular injection at all. I was so happy I bought .5 inch and went the subQ route.

Make sure to use your thumb and index or middle finger to get a nice pinch of skin. The medical videos I've watched recommend the stomach about an inch or two to the left or right of the belly button, or the back of the arm. Again, at an angle.. not directly in. The goal of subQ is not to hit a muscle but to release it into the fatty tissue.
Just google "mixing hcg" - and you'll be able to watch someone walk you through the
process step-by-step.

If you're not sure about any of the videos you can hit me up with a PM and I'll find you a link.

It can seem a little confusing at first... but there are plenty of videos that will make it easy and
you won't be wondering if you're doing everything right or not.
Do you inject cold right out of the fridge or do you warm it up first?

cold is fine, so long as your fridge isn't cranked all the way up to where it's partially frozen :p

Edit: May as well add, if you want to test your hCG is legit and accurately dosed, get a bunch of pregnancy tests... dilute in water so you get a concentration of about 25-30 miu/ml. If the test says your pregnant its legit. Then try 15-20 miu/ml... if not pregnant, it's accurately dosed :)
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Great info Hypnotix!! I'm thinking I will pre-load my syringes and freeze them. Did you do this or did you simply keep your container in the fridge>? I bookmarked this page for this info, thank you for the advice brother@Hypnotix
Found brother 3js artice! steroidology.com/hcg-human-chorionic-gonadrotropin-use-and-proper-storage/ Awesome info thanks!!
I swirl it around in the syringe to take a bit of the bite off. I found when it is cold from the fridge it would burn more. Beyond that super easy with an insulin syringe. Like everyone says make sure you read through 3J's article it is very good.
^^^ are you sure your waiting long enough for the alcohol you just swabbed on your skin to dry first before injecting.. Been taking hcg several years and never once has it burned,, but if alcohol is still on skin the injection would burn