What is your chest workout like? Do you have a chest only dedicated day, or do you work it with other muscle groups like triceps?


New member
So I have done, chest and triceps, chest and shoulders, chest and biceps and chest on push and upper body days. But I have thought of doing chest only days so I can focus fully on destroying one muscle group and feeling the burn.

My chest routine (done with triceps afterwards) is something like this
Incline bench press - 4 sets of 8-12 reps
Flat dumbbell press - 4 sets of 10 reps
upper cable flyes - 3 sets of 15 reps
Push ups - 4 sets of 25

then my triceps routine is
4 sets of weighted dips
3 sets close grip bench press
4 sets of skullcrushers
3 sets overhead dumbbell extensions
Your routine is solid with great compound and isolation balance. Consider slightly reducing volume if fatigued, and rotate exercises occasionally for variety. Ensure proper rest and form for consistent progress. Overall, it’s well-structured and effective!
Your routine is solid with great compound and isolation balance. Consider slightly reducing volume if fatigued, and rotate exercises occasionally for variety. Ensure proper rest and form for consistent progress. Overall, it’s well-structured and effective!
Cheers! I do find it challenging and fatiguing at times (but not to the point of extreme soreness or injury), but I love challenging myself and breaking PB's and getting that dopamine rush when I lift at close to max effort. I always rotate and change exercise routines every 4-6 weeks to shock my muscles
I build strength and size with a chest workout that includes bench presses, push-ups, and cable flyes. I add incline and decline variations to target all areas of my chest. I focus on 3–4 sets of 8–12 reps, maintaining proper form and consistency for the best results. I am 6'2 210lbs and do this every other day with Sunday being my rest day.