What is your take on adding Tren E to my cycle?


New member
Currently I'm using Test E 600mg and Deca 400mg. I started off at 200lbs with 20%bf, currently I'm 216lbs with 15%bf. Im onl week 11 of my cycle and I still have a few weeks to go. I was thinking about adding Tren to put on a little more size and gain a little more strength and get more cut. And opinions, is this wise or should I drop the deca and add the tren or stack all three and lower some of the test and deca.
Save the tren for your next cycle. Enanthate is going to take several weeks just to release the hormone, which I would imagine you being in week 11 would be when it's over or just about to be over. Even with acetate, I can't see you having enough time to really reap the benefits of trenbolone. I'd just stick with what you have and finish it out as originally planned.

My .02c :)
p.s I think you commented on my other post about not seeing the results... well I upped my calories to 5k and I started gaining every few days and strength definitely went up too.
p.s I think you commented on my other post about not seeing the results... well I upped my calories to 5k and I started gaining every few days and strength definitely went up too.
Nice! Yeah, diet is where I usually lack myself. It's funny how we all come here for the gear talk, but as 3J puts it; it's 80% diet, 15% training and 5% gear. Then again I don't suppose Foodology has the same ring to it. :D
maybe he could go 20 weeks and get some Tren A , cut the deca and in 2 weeks transition over and run 8 more weeks

I'd do that, but I'm on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and don't worry about shut down at all. :D Great suggestion, but I get nervous telling guys to go longer than 14 weeks. Just me being conservative. :p