What should I do? 3rd cycle..


New member
Ok, so I found out I could get some gear from the gym, and got me interested. So I talked to my guy a little bit about them, how to inject, what to do etc.. So back in april I got my first vial of Test (not sure which kind). He told me there was 250mg/ml and to do 1ml a week of it for my first cycle to see how i would react. So i did that for 12 weeks, followed by pct of nolvadex and clomid ( 1 pill a day each, not sure what the mg is in each). Got some killer results, and of course, wanted to continue doing it. So after pct I started another cycle, upping the dosage to 500mg a week. Everything was good until I ran out and had to get another vial about 6 weeks into 2nd cycle. Well I assumed the 2nd vial would be the same exact test, but I don't think it is. About 6 hours after injecting there was crazy pain that wouldnt go away for 3 days, every single time. Upon furthur research, it seems the 2nd vial of test was test propionate. I asked my guy and he says it probably is. The pain was so bad I stopped in the 10th week, it was interfering with my daily life too much. So i did pct for 3 weeks this time. Just finished that the other day, and did A LOT more research on what the hell I was injecting into myself ( I know, should have done this in the first place) I still have that same painful vial of test and deca Ive been waiting to use for my 3rd cycle. The first pin i did yesterday of 1 ml test (250mg) and 1 ml deca(200mg) I tried to change it up into my quad, maybe it wouldnt hurt so bad...wrong!! The pain is overwhelming, I cant even train legs, no chance in hell, I can barely squat down to take a dump. I'm just not sure what I should do, just throw away the test and ask for test-e or sustanon or something other that propionate? I read you're suppose to pin propionate EOD, But i've tried dividing 1 ml of it into each glute, and the pain was even worse, it was my whole ass instead of one buttcheek. And i also saw most test-p is 100mg/ml, which would be much different that what my guy told me at 250mg/ml. Although, after my 2nd cycle of 10 weeks, with the old unknown test, and the new test-p im assuming, I had insane acne afterwards. And all the gear is man made stuff, no brand name or nothing, just a vial of oil. thanks for your help!
Oh im 25 y/o 6'1'', 200-210 lbs, Sub 10%BF, been training 7+ years, Ive built a great physique, just want to take it a little furthur
If you don't know what you're putting in your body, get fucking rid of it immediately!! Buy from a reputable source or at the very fucking least, ask the necessary questions from whoever you're sourcing it from to find out what (they claim) it is!!!
And yes, the amount and frequency you pin prop vs enanth is very different! FWIW, in my experience, pain from injection can vary greatly with different products, but usually drops dramatically after a few pinnings.
You have no business using steroids. You have no idea what you are doing, let alone taking. You have been given terrible advice by your friend at the gym. Please stop before you seriously harm yourself. Start doing some research.
Well my guy at the gym is quite knowledgable and has been doing them for almost 20 years. It's my fault I didn't ask enough questions in the first place, I know.
And yes, the amount and frequency you pin prop vs enanth is very different! FWIW, in my experience, pain from injection can vary greatly with different products, but usually drops dramatically after a few pinnings.

The pain from the first vial (first cycle) was almost nonexistent, maybe a couple times there was slight pain the day after. The pain from the 2nd vial is absolutely ridiculous, which is why I am on here, cause theres no way its suppose to be like that.
The pain from the first vial (first cycle) was almost nonexistent, maybe a couple times there was slight pain the day after. The pain from the 2nd vial is absolutely ridiculous, which is why I am on here, cause theres no way its suppose to be like that.

What was the concentration? This is very common with highly concentrated gear.
First post said 250/ML, assuming that was the first vial in question.

I had assumed both vials were the same test, at 250mg/ml as my supplier told me. But by my reaction to the second one, I don't think its the case. My guy said sometimes theres more benzyl alcohol which causes the pain, but after doing research, I don't think thats simply the answer.
So let me get this straight, you are into you're 3rd cycle in the last 7 months, and at no point during any of them did you even know the ester of the test you were taking other than a guess based on the fact that you got bad pip? And just because someone has 20 years experience doing something by no means is that a guarantee that they have any idea what they are doing. The fact that your buddy had no problem with you doing 3 cycles in 7 months and was giving you cycle advice without knowing the ester gives me the indication that he either has no clue what he's doing or has no concern for your health.
I'm confused- just how big are these vials? Standard size would be 10/ML. Did you get both vials from the same source? In your first post, you said your guy told you "it probably is" prop? This is te guy that gave you both vials??? If your experienced/knowledgable guy doesn't know for sure, 100% what he's giving you, he's a fucking idiot and the last guy you should be sourcing your gear from. Jesus Christ, no further comments here.
So let me get this straight, you are into you're 3rd cycle in the last 7 months, and at no point during any of them did you even know the ester of the test you were taking other than a guess based on the fact that you got bad pip? And just because someone has 20 years experience doing something by no means is that a guarantee that they have any idea what they are doing. The fact that your buddy had no problem with you doing 3 cycles in 7 months and was giving you cycle advice without knowing the ester gives me the indication that he either has no clue what he's doing or has no concern for your health.

Uh yeah, pretty much what he said. :)
I'm confused- just how big are these vials? Standard size would be 10/ML. Did you get both vials from the same source? In your first post, you said your guy told you "it probably is" prop? This is te guy that gave you both vials??? If your experienced/knowledgable guy doesn't know for sure, 100% what he's giving you, he's a fucking idiot and the last guy you should be sourcing your gear from. Jesus Christ, no further comments here.

So much gear comes in an out of the gym and I didnt ask him what kind it was until 5-6 weeks after I obtained it.
Can't you read the label on the vial to know what it is that your are taking?

No label. They are 40ml home made vials. It's the same stuff everybody in the gym takes, I'm 100% sure he didnt specifically single me out and give me some random crap. I've seen the massive orders of gear he brings in on a regular basis. It has to be 2-3k worth at a time.