What should I do about my prop??


New member
Had this in the anabolic forum but wasn't getting many responses.

Made my own prop last week, followed the instructions but I noticed in the vial there is a bunch of "stuff" in there. There is these little pockets that look like grease moving around. It looks kinda like the stringy white things that are attached to the yolk of an egg but they're not white, its clear. And I also notice that when I swirl the bottle or shake it up, there is a shitload of particles in there floating around. It looks like a bunch of sediment.

After I put in the estrol solution in, I let it sit for an hour like it said. Then I ran it thru the coffee filter once. Then I added the distilled water in and let it sit for 15 min. Then I poured that in the dust masks. Then when it was in the dust masks I poured a bunch of distilled water thru that. I don't know how many times but I'd pour a bunch in, let it drain, pour some more in every few minutes for an hour or 2 span.

After I added the powder to the oil vial and transfered it to the sterile jars, it took FOREVER to go thru the whatman filters. I heated the oil up every so often and I had to use 3 of them! The first minute or 2 the juice went pretty fast, but after that for the next HOUR it was barely dripping. I don't know if the filters got clogged up real fast or what. And I did that through 3 whatmans, about an hour on each one!

Should I get more whatmans and filter the gear again? Can I just run it thru a coffee filter again? I've been taking it for a week now.
Thanks for help.
A couple questions.........

First of all, did you make sure your powder was COMPLETELY DRY, before you added it to the oil?

And after adding it to the oil, did you heat it up enough to COMPLETELY dissolve all of the test powder?

If you don't get all the powder totally dissolved, it will clog your filters rapidly, AND you will end up losing quite a bit of your test, ending up with a much weaker final concentration.

As for the cloudy final product............I have seen batches turn out like that, when the powder used was not completely dry.

If your powder was dry, then I am thinking, you may have blown out the filter media, and it allowed particulate to get through.
yeah I agree with the blown filter, it's happened to me quite a few times.
even if you heat the oil before running through the filter, the oil cools very quickly. I always heat it at bout 225 for 30 min it'll look crystal clear right out of the oven but run it through the filter anyways. my results are always great this way. plus I only add bout half my oil
example converting 1 cart syn-h I add my 5% BA then only half of my oil I'm using heat then filter this takes less time so the oil wont cool down then I'll heat the rest of my oil and run it throughthe filter by itself and bang my test is crystal clear after that i heat it all togetherfor safety at 250 for bout 30-45 min
P.S. doin my first test and fina comb cycle I'm on week6 and added so far 15lbs lean mass total
