What should I do after my bulk cycle?


New member
I am 5'10" 180lbs. I've been taking about 90mg of d-Bol each day for about 3 weeks then cut it down to about 50-70mg this week. I just started taking about 600mg of Test-E each week. I plan on stopping the d-Bol intake and I have about 1800mg left of Test-E. I've gained about 15lbs but I'm sure it's going to be less once I stop taking D-Bol.

Any advice on what I should do next? Should I continue my Test-E intake? Or take a post cycle?
So if I read that correctly, u have been taking dbol and test for the past 3 weeks? If so, u can stick to the test for the remainder of your cycle. Are u running any type of ai?
def need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), erase is good as mentioned, formastanzol is also extremely good from mr supps :)
If you want to keep any gains make sure to have a solid pct lined up after your cycle. If you dont, you're just waisting your time.