what should I do after Pregnyl use ???


New member
Hello guys,

Quick reminder about my situation; after my testo+deca cycle, I was trying to back to my natural levels. Doctor gave me pregnyl and I used it for 8 weeks, every week 1 injection of 2500 iu pregnyl. Below my blood work 1 week after the last injection.

LH: 1,5
FSH : 0,6
Estrogen : 16
Prolactin : 22
Total Testo : 4

Doctor wanted me to wait for 2 months without using anything such as tamoxifen or clomid and we will check the blood levels again, despite I have insistently asked him about Tamoxifen use to increase my LH and FSH !!! He said "No !!! do not use anything, you can use tamoxifen if both LH and FSH is still at the bottom after 2 months."

What do you think guys ? Should I listen professor or I should start to use Tamoxifen, because after two months, it may cause my testisles to shrink, I dont know, what do you think ?
You shouldve used hcg on cycle. But if you're using it now you should start your pct whenever you finish the hcg
Yep, once you are done with the HCG, start your PCT. DO NOT WAIT like the doctor said, that only gives you more time to be broken...

You can find a GREAT PCT setup in the stickies at the top.
Thank you. I read the stickies and I am confused about using Nolva or Clomid alone or both together, also about dosages :rolleyes2
Together. Here is the short of it:

Clomafene Citrate: 50mg everyday for 4 weeks
Tamoxifen Citrate: 40mg every day 2 weeks followed by 20mg everyday for 2 weeks

Some people prefer this one (each number is taken for a week) since it gives a powerful kick start to the PCT:

Clomiphene @ 75/50/50/50
Tamoxifen @ 40/20/20/20

Both are well known to work.