what should i work on?

overall mass, squat-deadlift-bench in low volume high intensity will do that to you;)
What body fat% are you. You're lean that's for sure. It's hard to judge you from that pic cause you're kind of folded up but the best advice is work on what you're not happy with. In the end it's you that you're trying to please so make yourself the way you want!
Are those ounces of weed in your pockects or your quads bulge that naturally, lol. You look good man. Maybe widen out a little, like Mikea said Squat, Deads and Bench low rep.
im a lefty so my right looks smaller ...same thing happens to everyone one arm is always bigger then the other

I'm right handed and my right bicep is stronger then the left.....but for some reason my left bicep is bigger......
I would agree with the mass....can't really get a good look at proportions...jump in the speedo and open that body up