What steroids are for me?


New member
I'm a 35 year old male with a pretty extensive weight training history. I have never competed but have gotten serious into weight training since I was in my mid twenties. I stand at 5,10 240lbs. My bodyfat I have no clue. I'm guessing 25%? I am no longer as strong as I was and my recovery has been slow the last 7-8 years. I've gone to a testosterone replacement doctor twice and they would not prescribe me testosterone. I received around 600 ng/dL on both tests. They said I didn't need it but I am not recovering like I was. Could it be growth hormone related? What I am looking to do is learn what steroids besides testosterone should I start with? I was thinking something like this.

1-12 Testosterone enanthate 750mg
1-8 Anavar 60mg

14-17 Clomid 60mg
14-17 Nolvadex 60mg

I also want to use hgh but I want hgh that is real. I really need help with my diet. I've gone to the gym and asked in person. I was told it was going to cost me $600 a month for dieting advice. If I could be pointed in the right direction for that. It would help. Thanks I'm hoping I learn and can contribute back.
I would stick with just test for your first cycle and go 12-14 weeks.
I dont see any Adex or anything in there for estrogen and with bodyfat being on the high side you may experience more sides than the leaner guys.
may want to lean out a bit prior to jumping on gear. Just my .02 cents
We always recommend that a first cycle consist of just testosterone plus ancillaries (hCG, AI) and the followed by PCT. You need to learn how your body responds to test. Once you have that experience you can add another compound. This allows you to isolate variables which will help you deal with side effect issues that arise.

Trust me. Running a cycle of just test will have you feeling amazing.

But remember that you will go back to the way you currently feel after the cycle. You would have to go on TRT otherwise. But 600ng/dl is a good Natty T level for your age. Makes you about average.

Have you checked other things like sleep apnea or thyroid? There could be other things going on that cause you to not quite feel the same.

Last thing I will say is that your body fat % is pretty high for a cycle. Higher body fat causes a higher rate of aromatization. Test aromatizes into estradiol. High estradiol (or too low for that matter) is really bad for you. High estradiol can cause edema, acne, gynecomastia, prostate issues, high BP, moodiness, fatigue, etc. You should really try to get your body fat % below 15% before running a cycle. Are you familiar with dieting techniques to cut?
If you get leaner and make sure you are getting enough zinc/vitamin D/carbs/fats/sleep i'm 80% sure you can get over 700 ng/dl which is a good natural testosterone level. At what time of the day did you get your blood drawn?