What test should I ask for! testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) rough


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What test should I ask for! TRT rough

Ok so as most know I've been on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) since 2009 at only 28 yrs old. At first I freak out since I didn't have a clue that I'd need testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) this young. I had never used anything besides otc supps and was thinking of AAS once I hit my late to mid 30's. Anyway intial report read 190 on total test. After year and half on the gel and not feeling any better, I finally convinced my uro to switch to shots. However he did it at only 1 shot per month, and I started to feel like crap. I had my own labs down through regular Dr. to find out my levels hit 165!! I was piss to say the least, and went at him with the labs in to which he then put me on the pellets. Again though he set these up in 3 month intervals. I've felt like crap last couple weeks and even when telling him my balls had shrunk, and been trying for 2 years to have a kid, he blew off HCG. I was reading up and saw I may need to have my cortisol, IGF, and something else tested. What would be the best all around blood work test to see what is causing my low trt?
You need to get the hell away from your current doctor, sounds like he is just making you a big hormonal mess.

New Doc or Online clinic.
Yeah I left him a month ago after 2nd run of testopel pellets. I'm trying to find a new Dr. I like the online clinic except no way I can pay out 600$ month. I'm just frusturated feeling like complete crap.
Yeah I left him a month ago after 2nd run of testopel pellets. I'm trying to find a new Dr. I like the online clinic except no way I can pay out 600$ month. I'm just frusturated feeling like complete crap.

If a clinic is trying to charge you $600 a month they are fucking criminals.

Dont learn your lesson (of dealing with tons of doctors) like I did. Go STRAIGHT to chip. Maximus is the shit and will take care of you and nowhere near that price.
It doesn't matter what is causing your low T.. Bottom line is that you have very low T.. Test for shgb, estradiol, free T, and total T.. The most common reason I see people not feeling better is because their E2 (estradiol) is too high.. But, in your case, your doc never even got your testosterone level up! Unbelievable!! If you want your nuts back, you need someone who knows what their doing w/ HCG or HMG especially since you are trying for a child! I think that's what you were asking for? Now that I answered your questions, I highly recommend filling out the Maximus questionarre and they will send you a price list of the common packages that most people need to get hormones Dialed In.. When I first came to this site, I got annoyed that nobody would answer my question, and they would all just post, "call Chip". I am now a client and I understand why.. We are just clients, we don't get endorsement deals lol.. We just know how easy and cheap and convenient it is to feel the best you ever did in your life..
I never sued anyone in my life.. But, what you just posted about how this doc is messing w/ your hormones really disturbs me.. I would get a lawyer and sue his ass for malpractice.. He has no business "treating" you w/ something he has no clue on how to treat.. I just had to vent that..
Ya I agree with you guys. Giving 1 shot a month is causing more damage than benefit. The 1 shot a month is making things worse by completly shutting down your natural testosterone production! jeez!
Yeah I had to educate myself on this shiz. I found how 31 yr old males can walk with a test of 600-900 without being on anything. So 400 at 29 was bs imo. I think once I hit the 700's he should have left things like it was. However I just wonder why I had this happen in the first place. I don't want a tumor but have seen a lot of pituary gland tumors. I'd like to think I don't have that but how the hell do you find out what the source of the problem is if you don't know how to ask or what to ask for. I think I contacted chip but seem like the lowest price was $600 at least under the list I saw unless it was for multiple months.
Well, in that case, tell your doc that you are concerned that your low T is a possible result of pituitary problem and you want an MRI.. Did he tell you if you are secondary or Primary? BTW-That price is multiple months..

Post your Original full hormone panel (pre-TRT)w/ ranges and we can probably help you out w/ that concern.. But, I don't think you can diagnose if it's secondary after you start testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) because you shut down your pituitary and there won't be a LH reading..
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I think I contacted chip but seem like the lowest price was $600 at least under the list I saw unless it was for multiple months.

The exact length of time the basic protocol lasts will depend upon your dosage but it will last multiple months.
I think the right doctor to manage your hormones is an endocrinologist not a urologist.
if you're heading to a doctor pick endo.
That's what I was planning on doing brother thanks!! Chip he didn't say if I was secondary or primary. To be honest he never really told me what the heck caused it other then it was my pituary gland. He's what I have so far. In 09 my total test came back 190. Then I was put on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) through Urologist and used androgel. For months I didn't tell anything even though he said my levels were looking good. After a year of not feeling any better and not being to sleep or have much energy, I went from 5 pumps to 8 and felt a slight change. He said my labs were to high and went to put me down to 4 pumps. I went at him with the I rather have shots then gel and he agreed, however set it up 1 shot a month. This is when I felt like complete crap after the shot wore off and did my own labs thorugh my general doctors office. The labs came back T4 1.0 TSH 3rd generation 1.01 Total test 165!!! This was done Feb of this year after 2 yrs of being on trt. I had my lab records pulled couple weeks ago and find the Uro noted back in jan my level of total test was 419 and he wrote GOOD! and back in 2010 he wrote to high on 713. I know for reading and researching that at 30 yrs old 713 is not to high and actually good for my age. Now after he put me on the pellets I had labs done a month later and my estradiol ultrasensitive read 38H Free test read 158.2 total test 736. Now that to me was good numbers except the estrogen. Problem is he sets the pellets up every 3 months and by the 6th week into them I felt tired again. Plus my insurance told the office they wouldn't cover but one run of pellets unless ed was the issue. I believe if this uro knew his stuff though, that I would have had maintained healthy levels all around and been ok, instead it's been a rollacoster ride.