what the best to use with diannabol


New member
hi there im looking for the best thing to add with dianabol ive dun my 1st cycle of dbol and was looking for sothing to stackit with it ive dun sus and dec b4 im 29yrs 5ft10 14stone my diet is realy good i eat bout 7000kcal a day 3 protein shakes i have creatine tabs and bcaa tabs so any help would be good thanks :D
you dont add (stack something to dbol) You usually stack dbol with your primary compound. Use the dbol as a secondary compound.
Stack dbol to Test.
Well test prop will need to be administered EOD or mon wed fri where as test cyp or test enanthate can be done as little as once a week but more affective would be to administer on a mon and thursday