Back to the Drawing bored here. Cycle: let me know what you think.

(4 vials) Cyp 200mg 10ml - running 600mg Qweek
• Pinning 1.5cc Tue/Thurs - Week 1-12

(4 vials) Equi 250mg 10ml - 500 Qweek and im gonna preload the first week at 750
• Preloading week pinning 1.5cc Mon/Wed Week 1
• 1cc Mon/Wed week 2-12

(5 bags) Turanabol 10mg/tab, 50 tabs/bag - 40,40,60,60 Qweek - week 1-4
• 10mg on Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday –Nights w/casein week 1 – 2
• 10mg on Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday –Nights w/casein week 3-4

My theory on taking it the night before is to optimize the 16hr half-life by still having it in my system for my 0515 workout.

(1 bag) Tamoxifen 20mg/tab, 50 tabs/bag - 40mg every day for 2 weeks

(4 vials) HCG 5000 iu/amp - 500iu Qweek from start of cycle until right before pct
• 250iu/.25cc pinning Wed/Thurs


(1 bag) Clomid 50mg/tab, 50 tabs/bag - PCT 200mg Qweek - 4 weeks
(1 bag) Tamoxifen 20mg/tab, 50 tabs/bag - 20mg every day for 2 weeks
(1 bag) Arimidex 1mg/tab, 50 tabs/bag - .25mg EOD weeks 1- end of PCT

DIET 4,000-6,000 calories QD

0430: Wake up
0445: .5 cup of oats + 20g protein powder
0515: Gym (Karbolyn) will leave the house w/gallon and drink while I work out til finished
0630: Post-Workout Shake + protein bar
0830: 4 eggs w/one slice of munster cheese and turkey patty
1030: Meal
1230: Meal
1430: Meal
1630: 1 protein bar + shake (im usually ending in my day at work so a meal is hardest at this point)
1830/1900: Cardio
2000/2030: Dinner
2130: Casein shake

I’m still working on meal planning for some of the meals. I’m looking for a cookbook to change things up a little from the same rotation of meals I’m used to. But for the most part this is my daily schedule.


Day 1: Chest & Bi’s
Day 2: Back & Tri’s
Day 3: Legs & shoulders and Traps
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Chest & Bi’s
Day 6:Back & Tri’s
Day 7: etc…

Since I do the gym so early my cardio will be thrown in after work and will consist of sledge hammer drills, tire flipping, and a 1-2 mile run. Doing the intensity of cardio I’m used to I’m kind of worried that the 1 protein bar + shake might be too light of a meal before cardio work out.
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oatmeal with protein powder, good stuff, as far as foods to make, I youtube it sometimes to get cool and easy recipes. Looking forward to this beast log:)
oatmeal with protein powder, good stuff, as far as foods to make, I youtube it sometimes to get cool and easy recipes. Looking forward to this beast log:)

thank you, yea my wife is on board and ready to get everything prepped for me i just need to pull the trigger and get the recipes. she normally did more but having 3 kids I try not to ask for to much since she puts up with the kids 24/7 and my work/gym schedule. she's a damn saint
Shit shit shit. Im really fuckin up my Hcg dosage. So i got a pack from my uncle that has 5000iu which strength not a unit of measure. It has a snap vial with 0.9% sterile sodium chloride and a snap vial of the dried hcg.

I originally thought 1000iu = 1cc but there is maybe 1cc of fluid total.

So do i need obtain bac water and dilute it? Im suppose to start sunday but going over my numbers last minute and i think im fucked lol. im no rocket surgeon but the research im finding on how to mix is clear as mud to me.
bac water is recommended but you can use the saline it comes with. Bugger is you don't have a sterile vial to store the mix in either.

Afa the mix: if you put the 1ml of saline in the 5000 units of powder you have a solution with 5000iu/ml. Then if you want to shoot, say, 500iu per week that would be 0.1ml per week. Your mix will last 10 weeks at that rate.

Lots of threads here on preloading syringes and then freezing them until used.

I'd just do it as above. No probs
bac water is recommended but you can use the saline it comes with. Bugger is you don't have a sterile vial to store the mix in either.

Afa the mix: if you put the 1ml of saline in the 5000 units of powder you have a solution with 5000iu/ml. Then if you want to shoot, say, 500iu per week that would be 0.1ml per week. Your mix will last 10 weeks at that rate.

Lots of threads here on preloading syringes and then freezing them until used.

I'd just do it as above. No probs

Ok , i checked on amazon for saline but all im finding was eye solution. Any recommendation for pins and bact water or saline for hcg?

Oh and i just baught 2 10ml sterile vials for storage.
By saline I meant the vial of nacl that came with the HCG kit

Ok i see. I need to get pins also so do you got recommendations for that?

And thank you for the help on this. Ive been apart of this forum for years and there has been nothing but people being pretty straight forward about their shit on here and i appreciate that. Thank you
Not sure if this is new thread worthy but since ive been turned on to Karbolyn my workouts been killer. Ive been researching BCAA's and

ive taken BCAA's and CREATINE before but usually post work out shake.

So my current pre-work out is just .5 cup of oats and a scoop of protein.
My intra-workout is Karbolyn 1 scoop for 20oz of water.(the bottle says to mix it with 16oz but that shit dries me out during my workout and my shaker holds about 20ish)

My question is would adding CREATINE and BCAA's to my karbolyn intra workout be to much during?

I also plan on loading CREATINE:
4-5 doses 5 grams per dose per day for 5 days and once QD after.
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