What the hell have I been injecting?


New member
Hi all,

So, I had some blood work done about 5 weeks into my first cycle. The cycle was 200mg Testosterone Enanthate, E3D. That's what it was supposed to be, anyway. Blood work showed that my testosterone level actually went down compared to my baseline. Apparently, my source was absolute shit - I'm not sure what I was injecting, but it sure as hell wasn't test E like the label said.

Test: 15.9 nmol/L (459 ng/dl)
E2: 65 pmol/L (17.7 pg/mL)

Test: 9.8 nmol/L (283 ng/dl)
E2: 79 pmol/L (21.5 pg/mL)

Both tests were done in the morning (around 8:30AM), and the on-cycle blood was taken about ~56 hours aftert he last pin. Test went down by about 6 nmol/L, and estrogen went up by about 14 pmol/L. Unfortunately, the doctor didn't check the LH and FSH boxes on the blood form, so I don't have those for comparison. I haven't noticed any side effects. I've gained some strength, but little enough that it's probably just the result of upping my diet to bulk.

Which leaves me wondering what is in the vials, if it wasn't Test E.

Are the changes in my Test and Estro levels small enough to be within normal individual variation? If so, then the vials were probably just inert oil with no active compound.

If the Test and Estro changes are too great to be just natural variation, then there was something that suppressed my natural test production, elevated aromatization, or... something. I have no idea what would have that effect.

I've already moved on with gear from a better source, but it would be nice to have some reasonable hypothesis for what mystery compound I've been jabbing myself with. I hope it was just inert oil, but I don't know if that's plausible.

A couple people have asked, so I'm editing the answer into the OP for visibility. The ancillaries are labeled with Gear5* and Euro-Bolic, and the injectables are labeled with Gear5* and the Euro-Bolic logo (but not the name). I've also seen it referred to as 5Star gear online. The packaging looks like this: View attachment 563885
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It was testosterone, just really underdosed testosterone. If it were say boldenone, you would have had almost zero test and estradiol on the results. This is assuming your LH and FSH are at zero.
hard to say man... but test is one of the cheapest compounds in aas injectables, so to put other stuff seems more costly, which would lead me to believe the same as above ^
possibly under dosed and the fluctuations after each dose possibly being enough to suppress your own production but not enough to actually raise your whole level on blood work..

glad you switched labs, sounds very fishy to me.
Thanks for the feedback. Someone else asked me by PM what lab this is from, and I can't respond to PMs (new account restriction?), so I'll answer here. I was running this stuff: https://i.imgur.com/y3m0Khd.jpg

I've seen it referred to as Gear5, 5Star, or Eurobolic. The Eurobolic name doesn't appear on the vials, but the logo does.

It was testosterone, just really underdosed testosterone.

Just how heavily underdosed would it have to be to go that low? Even if it was only 20% of the stated dose, then that would still be a TRT-level dosage.

hard to say man... but test is one of the cheapest compounds in aas injectables, so to put other stuff seems more costly, which would lead me to believe the same as above ^

Yeah, switching it out for another compound wouldn't make a whole lot of sense economically, but it could make sense if someone just messed up and mislabeled something.
You are right, your source ripped you off. Looks like severely underdosed gear. Just enough to pass lab max.

If you were injecting oil only, your test wouldn't have went down.

I'd be interested to know which lab you used. Shoot me a pm if you don't mind.
Thanks for the feedback. Someone else asked me by PM what lab this is from, and I can't respond to PMs (new account restriction?), so I'll answer here. I was running this stuff: https://i.imgur.com/y3m0Khd.jpg

I've seen it referred to as Gear5, 5Star, or Eurobolic. The Eurobolic name doesn't appear on the vials, but the logo does.

Just how heavily underdosed would it have to be to go that low? Even if it was only 20% of the stated dose, then that would still be a TRT-level dosage.

Yeah, switching it out for another compound wouldn't make a whole lot of sense economically, but it could make sense if someone just messed up and mislabeled something.

Not quite. 20% of 400mg/wk is 80mg, which is actually on the lower end of TRT.

I hate to speculate at all, as everyone will respond differently, but if I had to guess, I'd probably put it at about 20mg/ml . That should be enough to suppress you, but not enough to replace natural output.

Sadly, I think the 20% number would just about give me that response lol.
You are right, your source ripped you off. Looks like severely underdosed gear. Just enough to pass lab max.

If you were injecting oil only, your test wouldn't have went down.

I'd be interested to know which lab you used. Shoot me a pm if you don't mind.

This would surely be good for many to know too. So it does not happen to anyone else.