What to take for cut and maybe a bit gain in lean muscle?


New member
Hey all i workout for 3 years and i finally decided to do my first cycle of ph's. I want to cut a bit bf so i i want a prohormone for lean dry muscle gains. I searched about epi-andro rx by iron maglabs. Please advice me about what's better. Thank you.
Haha by saying sarm alone i didnt mean without diet. Diet and workout is always 100%.. by saying sarm alone i mean alone as a product or its needed to be stacked?
Osta could do it on its own. You d need to pick up a few bottles of it but the sides are about 75% less than a PH and u wouldn't need nearly as potent of a pct either.

You could still have a couple beers without killing your liver and wouldn't have use a serm for pct which most hate. So allday, yeah, a much better option.

Sarms one is having a sale so get 3 bottles and a T booster to run while on it to keep natty production up. Personally, I'd be taking a very low dose of an AI, mainly to keep estrogen exactly where's it's at or even slightly below but you may be able to get away without one. I'm gyno prone so I don't fuk around.
How old are you? I would start by researching things and by research I mean reading for months upon months from bunch of different forums.

They is an encyclopedia on AAS product and it is a good read. Until then I would say run Oxyelitte pro and try to cut using products like it. Also SARMs effect your test level just like mild PH like EPI. Blood test have shown them.
The Msten gave me a huge lift in strength and I felt good every day even without my trt test. Strength for me was the biggest plus. I used beastdrol yrs ago and although it will give you gains and strength, it made me to lethargic. Def research logs and articles on ph's before you plan out your cycle.