What up everybody new to steroidology


New member
Sup everybody new to this site stoked to be here from western massachusetts USA never cycled before about to be 23 height 5'8" weight 160 10% body fat looking into a test-e cycle 500mg per week only to start out (250mg 2x a week) just looking to get some New friends on here possibly some references/source recommendations etc in no rush still plan on educating myself a lot before making the plunge hope to learn from some cool people on here!
I would honestly suggest continuing to gain naturally for a while. 5'8 @ 160 is still relatively small. How long have you been training for?

Also, make sure to read the stickies. The majority of your questions will be answered there. It will save you and others here the time of typing out the same QnA's.
Thanks ya I know I'm not jumping into it yet just trying to prepare and educate myself in a community full of expierienced users I'm a Nasm certified personal trainer I've been training since I was sixteen I pinched a nerve in my neck and lost a lot of weight/mass over the last year just got done with physical therapy gonna continue to train natural and gain some of my mass back thanks for the input it means a lot I know I am still young and have some growing to do plus my natural t levels are still good just educating myself in the mean time!