What will happen after pct?


New member
About to reach the end of the first cycle 12% to 7% bf and 20lb of lean muscle added at 188lbs thanks to the vets on these forums whose advice i have used to help me. Anyways how do gains look after your pct, assuming you did a proper pct and you keep your diet the same as on cycle. I know for a fact i will not work out as much because i will be fatigued, i work out up to 8 hrs a day sometimes because i dont get tired so im expecting some fat gain and weaker muscles when im off tren and test. Irritates me to think about slow recovery times again. But i want to know about how you were affected so i know what to expect and maybe some advice in keeping most of my gains.
8 hours a day...work out or work ?

I digress. It s all in your hands. U will have to accept a return to normality in that ur running stock test level s so live the life in adherence to those numbers. Train as hard but realize diet and recup are integral now more than when on to keep what you built. Remember AAS allow for greater glycogen storage ( fuel) , improved nitrogen balance and protein synthesis ( muscle repair and accumulation). Adjust both training, diet and rest accordingly or you will either get smoother (inevitable to some degree) a bit weaker and maybe less motivated but do not fall into the trap of no gearing no hard training as that leads to addiction and or trt for life.

Normal sucks. I was much bigger stronger faster etc at 25-40 than my feeble f k n 51. It s life. Moderation when off. Accept that even the best motor need s a break from nitrous. Let your connective tissues heal and your hpta to catch up and so forth.

It s all up to you.

You workout 8 hours a day? That cannot be good. Do you have a cardio routine set up?
8 hours a day...work out or work ?

I digress. It s all in your hands. U will have to accept a return to normality in that ur running stock test level s so live the life in adherence to those numbers. Train as hard but realize diet and recup are integral now more than when on to keep what you built. Remember AAS allow for greater glycogen storage ( fuel) , improved nitrogen balance and protein synthesis ( muscle repair and accumulation). Adjust both training, diet and rest accordingly or you will either get smoother (inevitable to some degree) a bit weaker and maybe less motivated but do not fall into the trap of no gearing no hard training as that leads to addiction and or trt for life.

Normal sucks. I was much bigger stronger faster etc at 25-40 than my feeble f k n 51. It s life. Moderation when off. Accept that even the best motor need s a break from nitrous. Let your connective tissues heal and your hpta to catch up and so forth.

It s all up to you.


It is a bitter pill to swallow. Coming off a cycle sucks. Getting old sucks worse, but it is better than the alternative. :) I can still build an impressive physique, but when chest day comes, I don't look at the 175 lbs dumbs anymore.
I look at the triple digit db s and my delt s say-"Really dude ? Done that, can t no more...don t need to.."

Did 3 diff girl s in a weekend in 86 at college.running a gram of this that and probly another.....and even if the opportunity presented it self..even though I might could..might being operative word as tren and Marlboro s are GREAT for my cardio....but DONT WANT TO...if there nice u gotta feed em..if not your probly gonna have to take flute lesson s for the holes rotted in your cock....caution is good now that I m old feeble and SCARED.

"What a drag it is getting older"--Mick Jagger
Well the kid posted his first cycle which was a doozy for being 19 years old. Good luck with your pct.
Cortisol comes into play after an hour of training. Muscles don't get along with cortisol