What would you do?


New member
If you could pick one of these two cycles which one do you feel would be more effective for you?

1) Dbol- 40 mgs ED 1-5 weeks
Test prop- 500mgs/wk 1-12
Deca- 300 mgs/wk 1-12


2) Dbol- 40 mgs ED 1-5 weeks
Test prop- 500mgs/wk 1-14
EQ- 400mgs/wk 1-14
brian36 said:
If you could pick one of these two cycles which one do you feel would be more effective for you?

1) Dbol- 40 mgs ED 1-5 weeks
Test prop- 500mgs/wk 1-12
Deca- 300 mgs/wk 1-12


2) Dbol- 40 mgs ED 1-5 weeks
Test prop- 500mgs/wk 1-14
EQ- 400mgs/wk 1-14

With regard to cycle #1, I think you would want to run the test out to at least week 14 considering you are indicating Deca wk 1-12. The deca will last about 14 to 17 days in your blood, I believe, with test prop only a few days.

Cycle #2 looks fine to me, although running prop for 14 weeks is a lot of injections considering you'd be injecting at least eod. Why not use enthanate or cyp?
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Lethalius said:
Cycle #2 looks fine to me, although running prop for 14 weeks is a lot of injections considering you'd be injecting at least eod. Why not use enthanate or cyp?

i agree
Both cycles are ok but for me i see way more results with 300mg/week of deca than 400mg/week of Eq.
Both are pretty similar, but my personal preference is 1).
Either one is a great bulking cycle. Deca is generally regarded as the better overall bulker, however the increase in hunger that EQ causes cannot be ignored. As we all know food is the most anabolic substance, consequently any steroid which greatly increases your appetite to the degree EQ does is of great benefit.

I think test/eq/deca would be an absolute great bulker. Not too many people run eq and deca together because of long held misconceptions that they basically accomplish the same thing.

Test is test.
EQ to increase hunger and greatly increase blood volume.
Deca to lube the joints and increase strength. Get those heavy ass weights up!
Sounds like an ideal stack to me.