?What would you do?


New member
Im looking to make the best cycle for a good bulk/try to keep it lean as well. Im curious on how do you use test prop until test e kicks in? If possible id like to run the everything (optional on deca) Would i go about it like

week 1-4 Ana 50mg ED
week 1-4 test prop 125mg eod
week 1-12/16 test e 500mg e3d?
Aromasin 12.5mg eod

Im curious is this ^ how it would work best
Post 2 weeks after

I have the following
Test E 400mg/ml 10ml (2 vial) **UPDATED**

GP test prop 100mg/ml (10ml) (5vial)= 5000mg

GP deca 250, 250mg/ml (10ml) (2vial)= 5000mg

GP Anadrol 50mg/tab (50 Tab)

Post Supplies

Excess Clomid
Excess Nolva
Arimidex 1mg (25tab)
Excess Aromasin
HCG 10,000iu (break down to 1k ius)
2nd Legit cycle


13/14% bf
5'11 ft/in

lifting 3 years solid.
Diet in check
Lifting in check

Let me know what you would run with the following supplies.

Thank you
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Yo you have DECA witch is a Deconate ester long lasting and you have test prop witch is a short acting test. You don't have enough stuff.

All you can do is Test Prop 25mg/a day 8 weeks Anadrol 50/ 50mg a day 6 weeks. No Deca. If thats what you really wanna do, you should trade the prop for some cyp.
Yo you have DECA witch is a Deconate ester long lasting and you have test prop witch is a short acting test. You don't have enough stuff.

All you can do is Test Prop 25mg/a day 8 weeks Anadrol 50/ 50mg a day 6 weeks. No Deca. If thats what you really wanna do, you should trade the prop for some cyp.

If only going to do 8 (pretty pointless) why would he want to trade a short for a long ester on a short cycle?
If only going to do 8 (pretty pointless) why would he want to trade a short for a long ester on a short cycle?

Because if he forgets his test prop one day and goes to his girlfriends, its all over. If he gets a longer ester he can run longer. He way under ordered lol.I also underordered I need 1 more deca and 1 more test I think.