What would you say as BF%

Ya it was a number from my scale. Thanks for the input I'm trying to calculate my macros for my diet before I "blast" again just want to make sure all is in check before hand. I started 4ius of hgh about a month ago and gonna blast in the next few weeks.

This is what my blast is gonna be:

week 1-5 - Anadrol 100mgs/day
week 1-14 - test E 600mgs/week EQ 600 mgs/week
week 14-20 - test Prop 500mgwk and tren acetate 100mg eod
hgh 4iu/day for 6 months min
arimidex .5 mg every other day beginning at week 4
Then back to cruising at 200 mg test C
id say dont wait till week 4 to start the Aromatase inhibitor (AI), go at day 1 , your E conversion starts with the first pin

the rest sounds great, enjoy