Whatman filter...can we skip?


New member
What if we dont filter and just bake our gear???

for example:

My Suspension from Tren base looks good so far...clogged a 25g a little, but a little force pushed it through :) maybe a 23 is better...

Only prob was when doing the whatman filter on the cooling tren/peg solution it started to crash and I had to pour the rest right in the vial...

So, question is sterility...can I bake a water suspension, or do I need to just hope the BA keeps it clean??? As using a whatman just isnt working...

Filtering is a important step. It will remove all microscopic pests and solids. I reccommend filtering.

What size of whatman filter are you using? I dont see how a whatman would cause a problem? Did you keep the mixture on a low source of heat to prevent the cooling? did you vent the vial you were filtering into? what gauge of pin for venting and what gauge of pin for filtering?
used .45u I believe...maybe too small of a pore size, yet my bio background knows viruses and bacteria can be smaller and creek into fluids via a whatman...we still bake after filtering...

It crashed as it was being filtered, maybe the syringe was too much of a temp change, but cant do anything about that...Vial was vented, used a 18g pin for both...Its tren base so when it comes out, it comes out...not like eth in oil, this is hard shot to work with period!

Baking seems to be more of a quality choice, yet in fact unless we all have lab supplies and perfect working conditions, etc...all of our gear homebrewed is apt to be contaminated in some way...
You're kidding right bro?

Always filter at the very least with a .45um pore size filter
and a .20um pore size is even better... If you have a bio
background then you know heat alone will not kill all forms
of bacteria and spores... filtering gets almost everything out
and is needed especially when homebrewing...
Buff, are you kidding...if you took any bio you know that a filter only gets some, and for sure not all of viral/bacterial entities, no way close to 'everything'...Have you heard of an autoclave? Look into it next time you are in surgery for your gyno :)
Cmon guys, keep it above the belt. As far as filtering it goes, dont skip this step. Im guessing you had the suspension into solution under high heat. When filtering it crashed in the syringe, correct? Did you add the hormone/solvents to the water yet? If so, you may be outa luck as far as getting her into solution again.
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Also, if its in water...forget getting it into solution. Even if you did it would crash out by crystalizing big time...it would stick to the sides of the vial. Ill post a pic of what this looks like tonight.