whatman filter


New member
what exactly are these composed of inside? Are they completely necessary to use when making homebrew? is there any ways to use something else? I know its cheap and Im going to use one anyway but just wanted some info on them. Also what are the sizes used for? The total amount of gear filtered?
Most of them are nylon. The more surface area (diameter) and you can filter more before it clogs up, however I would believe it would reduce pressure making it harder to push through.

You can get them in glass fiber as well but I haven't seen anyone use it for injectables (I'm no chemist mind you, so when I say anyone I mean on the boards, not the world).
i work in a lab
tons of syringe filters, syringes you name it
I 'm gonna learn about the home brew stuff?

trying to build up my post to 15 so i will be allowed to PM Mr. pullinbig
cycling on dragon 250mg/wk + test prop 1cc
1 dianabol /day
seem to be growing purt good
even if i'm pushing 50

sorry my fresh meat is to old for you pullin. LOL
lolololol he's good and ripe tex. i like um mature. prolly aint got no grippers left on that ass hole.

btw tiny, most guys doin Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) are on more drugs than that. hell as far as that goes the woman too. lolololololol damn bro get some juice in ya if ya gonna do it.
Hey tiny testicle it looks like you got enough post now to PM Mr. Pullinbig...good luck with that...I am kinda new here and I PMed him for the first time a while back...never been the same since...

Take care,
more roids ? i'm readyPerhaps i'm concerned

perhaps i'm concerned about my liver
with higher doses but i'm willing to try
I don't drink so my liver is fine except for the
high cholesterol which is under control with
'crestor" and i get the liver profile checked often.
My real concern is $$$$ which i am limited to
and secretely funelling into my bodybuilding obsesion of 33 years.

i think my previous name is cool
i changed it to tough titty
for lack of better ideas....my immediated concern was to preserve my annonimity
cause i mentioned my name to someone at work who may look for my posts and then I would be busted or at least at some unfare blackmail. I like my privacy but wish i could
put more info on my profile for all you great guys and gals to see.
first off have you read the latest studies on cholesterol? the ama has admitted they dont have a clue about cholesterol. they handing out meds to treat something that may not need treating. i already posted on this as well as alternative methods for lowering total cho. if it still worries you.

now for the liver thingy. i dont know anybody that has had any probs while using orals. elevated counts occassionally but they have always returned to normal after administration is stopped. hell tylenol is far worse on you liver than dbol. any idea on how many people die a year from tylenol poisoning. ahhhh..... more than ma hung. they took it off the market and left tylenol. idiots. what about ciggs? doctors are the third leading cause of death in the US. as a nation we consume well over 1/2 the meds in the world. do we have 1/2 the worlds population? no! something is wrong here. are we outliving,as a nation, other nations? no!

how long jerry lewis been on prednisone? having trouble breathing here take these and youll put on 150lbs. thatll help your health issues. dumbasses.

do some reading on cho my friend i think you'l be surprised. tell you doc to do some reading too.
pullinbig said:
first off have you read the latest studies on cholesterol? the ama has admitted they dont have a clue about cholesterol. they handing out meds to treat something that may not need treating.

Scary, but it's true.

Doctors and hospitals scare the bejeezus outta me. You know in a couple hundred years, they are going to look back on things like chemotherapy and this cholesterol thingy like the dark ages.
wont be that long. we already findin git out now. but the pharm companies are blocking a lot of it. its big business that fuels our deaths. we are the fattest nation in the world. they are killing us.
we are off the topic of filters but it's very intersesting

"alternative methods for lowering total cho."
i will absolutley get those articles etc.

funny i was thinking along the same lines today
about liver and all . i don't think you can find a liver that went bad from roids on medline
or pubmed but i will try that too.

with "crestor" it did go from 280 to 200
but i'm sure there are other ways of slowing down the liver from over producing chol.
but of course it is not easy ...everone wants a pill. EXERCISE: since i started back working out
last january , i now don't need that expensive blood pressure lowering drug. All my health issues are related to lack of exercise and
good foods....I am extremely determined now
to turn all that around and get back into the shape i was 15 years ago ..No bigger and stronger. I 'm hoping to get the help i need from this great, inspirational steroidology