what are your stats? but more importantly what's your bodyfat percentage at? because unless you start off at 10% bodyfat or below, hopping on some tren right now for a cutting cycle is pointless.
i think so many bros have it completely twisted when it comes to cutting cycles when they only start cutting at like 12-15% bodyfat, so heres my take on it....
as stated above, when you go on a cutting cycle forget about growing, if it happens then thats great.. but your absolute main concern should be losing the bodyfat and using juuust enough gear to maintain your precious gains. once you reach your desired / nearly desired bodyfat goal, THEN you add in those dry non aromatizing compounds to really bring out and polish your hard work.
myself, for example, decided to approach this summer's cut in 2 phases due to be being at 15% bodyfat at the start of phase one.
eight weeks ago i started phase one using only 350mg test prop and 350mg masteron prop per week, 75-100mcg t3 ED, and around the same time i also began using somatropin @ 3iu 5x a week. now eight weeks later, i'm just about 10% bodyfat with my waistline veins popping out, and i still got 3 weeks to go my goal is . i admit that i did lose a tiny bit of muscle, but i blame it on the ritalin i've been taking a few times a week to study for finals, and that shit will kill your appetite for an entire day and even make food seem disgusting.. incase you didnt know. i also blame it on taking 100mcg t3 while on such low doses of gear. no worries though i learned from my mistakes and i'll get that all back and more in phase two.
phase two for me begins in around 3 weeks, the 5th of june until the last week of august. this will consist 140mg test prop a week (20mg ED), and 350-560mg tren ace a week (50-80mg ED... maybe i'll even taper up to 100mg ED as usual hahah) and of course i will continue the GH. i may also keep the t3 in there too because i'm really trying to get shredded i want to be 5-6% by the end of august.
so in conclusion, depending on your condition, i think compounds like tren and masteron and stuff like that at higher doses should be looked at as a polisher, and only be implemented once you are already in good condition and lean to really make you seem carved out of stone. i think tren takes a mental toll on most of us after a certain amount of time, so if you use that shit at higher bodyfat levels you will look the same as you would if you took test and NPP.
and thats my 2cc's. good luck