Whats the best for 1st cycle - 10lbs or more


New member
I'm 5'6 and 24 150lbs and wanna gain another 10lbs or MORE so but never done a cycle and this will be my first. Just wondering if someone can tell me what the best cycle would be for this gain. Also how many mg a week and how to prevent gyno
okay and tamoxifen is tha like nolvadex?? and that pretty much prevents gyno and stuff right cuz i have that and clomid
Dont take Winstrol (winny) for a first cycle. Just the test will be fine. Also an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) may be helpful.
Laughing at thinking you need juice for 10 pounds. Just eat some fucking food, take some protein, and lift some heavy weight.
okay and tamoxifen is tha like nolvadex?? and that pretty much prevents gyno and stuff right cuz i have that and clomid

IMO you should not be getting near anything not knowing what anything is.

Just eat clean and good and take creatine and thats enough to gain 10 lbs.