Whats the best sarm

hajji slayer

New member
I'm in Afghanistan and im looking to order the best sarm for gaining lean mass, and help burn fat. The good stuff is impossible to get here. Im still looking but no such luck so in the mean time i want to try this.
stack s4, osta, and mk 677.

s4 (pulse it to avoid vision sides, use 4x a wk)

40mg 45min pre WO


12.5mg for 8wks


1ml per day(bottle lasts 30 days)

you ll gain anywhere from 4-7lb and drop 1-3.5% bf. but your diet will have to be spot on. The s4 is very good for fatloss, really its the best by far. Osta is there for strength/muscle gains. mk 677 for sleep, recovery. (gh sarm)
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WOW I don't know what else to say. Awesome info here guys!

I've used uniquemicals and they are legit. They also have $10 off coupon codes floating around
stack s4, osta, and mk 677.

s4 (pulse it to avoid vision sides, use 4x a wk)

40mg 45min pre WO


12.5mg for 8wks


1ml per day(bottle lasts 30 days)

you ll gain anywhere from 4-7lb and drop 1-3.5% bf. but your diet will have to be spot on. The s4 is very good for fatloss, really its the best by far. Osta is there for strength/muscle gains. mk 677 for sleep, recovery. (gh sarm)
gymrat if you run the osta for 8 weeks, how long to run the s4. also if you run the s4 for 4 days on how many days off and for how long to run it, is it the same as the osta 8 weeks. Think I might run that cycle but without the mk677, I'm going to put GW1516 in the mix instead of the mk677.
Wait until you are back home if you are in a combat MOS. you have no idea how you will react. Not a good idea to mess with something that can give you vision sides when theres the potential for death.
I took S4 and I Recently went to a doctor to get my eyes checked and he said my eyes were healthy. I'm going to give s4 more chance this year and then get another eye exam and see
Wait until you are back home if you are in a combat MOS. you have no idea how you will react. Not a good idea to mess with something that can give you vision sides when theres the potential for death.

Where did you get this"potential for death"

Have you been watching the movie Limitless again
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gymrat if you run the osta for 8 weeks, how long to run the s4. also if you run the s4 for 4 days on how many days off and for how long to run it, is it the same as the osta 8 weeks. Think I might run that cycle but without the mk677, I'm going to put GW1516 in the mix instead of the mk677.

the s4 @ 40mg 4x a wk will last about 38-40days total. i would just use 1 bottle.

i would put mk 677 in front of GW any day. the mk 677 and the osta should be the difference makers. the s4 fatloss and hardening will be good but you need to be cutting to really get good results.

just run 1 bottle of each. you could do 2 bottles of MK but thats it. i dont know how long you want to be on a sarm for??..??
Where did you get this"potential for death"

Have you been watching the movie Limitless again

Haha, no. The guy is in Afghanistan. Always potential for death in a combat zone. Wouldn't want his vision messed up in the middle of a firefight is all I'm saying.
Yea, think I'm just going to run 1 bottle of each. Since this is my first time ever running anything. That's why I'm keeping the dose low. So how ever long 1 bottle of each will last will be the length of my cycle. Do ya'll think I need to run a natural test booster with this cycle.
Yea, think I'm just going to run 1 bottle of each. Since this is my first time ever running anything. That's why I'm keeping the dose low. So how ever long 1 bottle of each will last will be the length of my cycle. Do ya'll think I need to run a natural test booster with this cycle.

I am eager to know the same.
Please do NOT take the vision side effect lightly.....I was blind as hell in a semi dark room. I WOULD BE Careful running s4 in Afgahnistan...combat MOS or not....I got shot at and mortared on a regular basis and I was a helicopter mechanic. I have used all of Unique's products and the are VERY legit. Good luck
Yeah Dude,

i am doing my research on my monkeys right now:

OSTARINE (osta-gain) 30mg ED first 2 days now 15mg ED for others 6days and then 40days on 7,5mg ED.

S4 (uniquemicals) 50mg 30minutes prewo 4on-3off EW.

MK-677 (researchsarms) 12.5mg ED prior to bed in the night.


stack s4, osta, and mk 677.

s4 (pulse it to avoid vision sides, use 4x a wk)

40mg 45min pre WO


12.5mg for 8wks


1ml per day(bottle lasts 30 days)

you ll gain anywhere from 4-7lb and drop 1-3.5% bf. but your diet will have to be spot on. The s4 is very good for fatloss, really its the best by far. Osta is there for strength/muscle gains. mk 677 for sleep, recovery. (gh sarm)