whats the best vitamin brand

The Conquistador

Ology's Golden Boy
whats the best one for lifters? lately i started taking centrum performance, before that i toyed with theragram and kids chewables (haha) just wondering snce I have never regularly taken them and now I have been but heard from one guy once that sometimes centrum sucks
i usually rotate between these three.

these when they are running one of their ridiculous buy 1 get like 14 free deals

these if i happen to be at costco around the time i am running out of vitamins

my gym sells these, which is pretty convenient

i wouldnt put too much thought into vitamins. they are basically just a micro-nutrient insurance policy in case youre lacking something from your diet - which if youre eating well, you probably arent.
iss research

iss research has excellent vitamins designed for bodybuilders Super Vitamin Pak. Universal animal pak is also tried and true. I cycle both these with good results. Make sure to take them with food.
read labels .
choose vitamins with d-alpha instead of dl- alpha vit E , look for vitamin A in beta carotene and fish oil instead of just fish oil/A ,in vit C look for added biflavanoids/rose hips/acerola .
vitamins A/D/E/K are fat soluable vitamins and should be taken with food with at least a little fat for absorption.
centrum and a dept. store vitamins have a rep for heavy binders/fillers which could slow/prevent absorption .