aProtege said:I just went with ReboundXT from bodybuilding.com its like 28 bucks works fine.
aProtege said:I just went with ReboundXT from bodybuilding.com its like 28 bucks works fine.
finelysculpted said:clomid is unnecessary, it's to help your sexual functions... which shouldn't be a problem. get nolva, just to make sure he doesn't get gyno...
Dlove said:Does researchology have liquid nolva. Is it good?
If you don't know what you're talking about, and obviously you don't, it's best not to speak at all, otherwise you can cause others problems if they chose to take your advice.
joshbeam1 said:nolva or clomid. I perfer nolva. it depends on the length of the cycle if i'm on a long cycle i'll do 60 40 40 20 w/liquid if its shorter 40 30 20
i wasn't real impressed w/superdrol personally.
not much w/superdrol...i only did a short cycle though, so couldve been part of it.Dlove said:So you didn't gain much strength or weight?
aProtege said:They are... shouldnt last much longer that, id start out 20mg (10mg twice a day) Then jump up to 30mg a day. I found superdrol to work well for me i suggest taking 200mg of milk thistle as well... i plan on taking it again before spring.
Dlove said:So how long do you suggest taking the nolva or clomid and at what dose? My previous test cycles i took clomid for 3 weeks but i ran the test for 12 week's not 6.