What's the post cycle therapy (pct) for Superdrol?


Product of Test
What's the PCT for Superdrol?

My friend is going to try superdrol but doesn't know what and how much to take PCT. Will one bottle of clomi 35mg 70ml from researchology do it?
clomid is unnecessary, it's to help your sexual functions... which shouldn't be a problem. get nolva, just to make sure he doesn't get gyno...
id go with nolva for 40/30/20 mg. Rebound xt would not hurt to take with nolva. and of course i would use other supporting supplements as Milk thistle,hawthorn berries, omega-3's, coq10, saw palmetto.
finelysculpted said:
clomid is unnecessary, it's to help your sexual functions... which shouldn't be a problem. get nolva, just to make sure he doesn't get gyno...

If you don't know what you're talking about, and obviously you don't, it's best not to speak at all, otherwise you can cause others problems if they chose to take your advice.
nolva or clomid. I perfer nolva. it depends on the length of the cycle if i'm on a long cycle i'll do 60 40 40 20 w/liquid if its shorter 40 30 20
i wasn't real impressed w/superdrol personally.
If you don't know what you're talking about, and obviously you don't, it's best not to speak at all, otherwise you can cause others problems if they chose to take your advice.

My sincerest apologies… I was only repeating what I’ve been told by others in my gym. Looks like I put my trust in the wrong people. It’s good there are sites like this to point out the mistakes of morons, and morons like me who have listened to them. My bad.
joshbeam1 said:
nolva or clomid. I perfer nolva. it depends on the length of the cycle if i'm on a long cycle i'll do 60 40 40 20 w/liquid if its shorter 40 30 20
i wasn't real impressed w/superdrol personally.

So you didn't gain much strength or weight?
They are... shouldnt last much longer that, id start out 20mg (10mg twice a day) Then jump up to 30mg a day. I found superdrol to work well for me i suggest taking 200mg of milk thistle as well... i plan on taking it again before spring.
aProtege said:
They are... shouldnt last much longer that, id start out 20mg (10mg twice a day) Then jump up to 30mg a day. I found superdrol to work well for me i suggest taking 200mg of milk thistle as well... i plan on taking it again before spring.

you need at least 1000mg daily milk thistle...200mg wouldnt help much
I am Currentlly taking 40 mgs of superdrol a day. It has only been 1 week i have no gains/side effects. I figured i would just go balls to the wall because i have never had any pro steroids work. Should I wait this out and drop the dosage or continue as is? Once again I am not expecting much because i have been immune to any supp. that has worked for others. Any suggestions wold be great.
When are you taking them? Its not a mircale drug... take the whole bottle. Make sure your eating enough protien.
So how long do you suggest taking the nolva or clomid and at what dose? My previous test cycles i took clomid for 3 weeks but i ran the test for 12 week's not 6.
Dlove said:
So how long do you suggest taking the nolva or clomid and at what dose? My previous test cycles i took clomid for 3 weeks but i ran the test for 12 week's not 6.

if you take SD for 3 weeks, then i would run a 3 week post cycle therapy (pct), with nolva.

40mg first week
30mg second week
20mg third week

thats my 2 cents anyhow