Whats the quick gist of Homeopathic HGH Oral Spray?


New member
Just watched some utube video talking about homeopathic HGH oral spray?

Whats the deal with this stuff? a Joke? is this something they would sell at Hi-Health and GNC?

Since being an oral is it 17 methyl, and passes through the liver?
Just watched some utube video talking about homeopathic HGH oral spray?

Whats the deal with this stuff? a Joke? is this something they would sell at Hi-Health and GNC?

Since being an oral is it 17 methyl, and passes through the liver?

Well I never heard of a 17 methl HGH(chemical structures are different). So no lol.

From what I have heard, its a joke.
Maybe i am wrong after i wrote that, I am assuming anything oral is methylated so it stays in the body longer?


There is actually unmethylated Test pellets (requires 2 hour dosing 24/7 lmao)

But also Bold, Tren(the PH), etc are non-methylated. Bold required a high dose and long period on, Tren...well Tren was what people loved because their strength blew the freak up.

Not all orals are methylated. And like I said, GH and AAS are two different chemicals with different structures and pathways of action.