What's the scientific explanation behind not loosing muscle on a cut

But loosing strength. My strength has turned to complete shit on my cut but my endurance is as good or better.

who says you aren't losing muscle on a cut? to my knowledge you will unless you are doing a AAS based cutting cycle... more experienced people will chime in i'm sure.
who says you aren't losing muscle on a cut? to my knowledge you will unless you are doing a AAS based cutting cycle... more experienced people will chime in i'm sure.

There's a difference between keeping 98.5% of your muscle vs 85%. My point is I think and I know I have kept a very high percentage of my muscle but my strength is completely in the tank
There's a difference between keeping 98.5% of your muscle vs 85%. My point is I think and I know I have kept a very high percentage of my muscle but my strength is completely in the tank

only time I get that feeling is when I'm restricting carbs... carbs=energy for me as far as power goes, I can still run and do light stuff on keto tho.
But loosing strength. My strength has turned to complete shit on my cut but my endurance is as good or better.

The reason you lose strength rather noticeably is usually due to glycogen depletion and general lack of energy = less intensity. Put simply, you're just not eating enough energy to keep your muscles "full."