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New member
Hey everyone I'm starting my first test E cycle done loads of research would like thought on my cycle...

My Stats:
25yrs old

Week 1-5 600mg test E (2 300mg injections weekly)
Week 6-8 800mg test E (2 400mg injections weekly)
Week9-10 1000mg test E (2 500mg injections weekly)

ON CYCLE : Exemestance - 20/20/20/10
HCG- 500iu twice weekly


PCT : clomid- 100/100/100/50
Nolva- 40/40/20/20
No point in ramping up the dose. Just stick to the same dose throughout the cycle, 500mg/wk should be fine for first cycle, and increase the cycle length to 12 weeks minimum.

Also what do you mean by the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dosing?
Hey man thx for the help Aromatase inhibitor (AI) I ment 20mcg a day for 3 weeks then 10mcg everyday for a week... Also is HCG a necessity or could I get away without using it I am looking for bout 20-25lbs muscle added and from what I've read it isn't impossiible...
You should be running the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) throughout the whole cycle up until the post cycle therapy (pct). HCG would not be needed for this cycle. Yeah it is possible to gain that much as long as your diet is good.
I disagree... you not gonna gain 25lb's muscle, aint happening. You gonna lose a good % of weight gain as you shed water weight post cycle.

Dont ramp test dosages, stick with one number cycle duration.