New member
this is not about the flag guys it is about social injustice. about what's wrong with our great country. my daughter is half white and sometimes shunned by black / white so called friends and treated differently. that's wrong. yes i have been stopped by police, cuffed, slapped around for no reason etc and have seen it many times. that's wrong .the sports world stomps on athletes because they are gay. maybe gay athletes should not stand for the flag too. all my friends call me crazy but i think the nba, nfl has to many black athletes. when the sport had an equal amount of players by race the games were better. now you got a brother who can run a 4.2 40 and he makes the team but can't catch, tackle etc. white players don't get a fare shake at certain positions. should they not stand to protest not getting a fare shake ? ok by me. this is about making change and awareness. should it be done during the anthem.? i love america too so i have to ask how many of you watching the game at home or if you are at the game stand hand over heart and recite the anthem ? i bet none of us do. we are ready to smash some brew, ribs, wings etc so our complaint is hipacritical. i am an african american and i am proud to be. i believe in black power and i believe in white power too. i believe in our country but come on when the game is on if you're worried about who's standing then just turn off the tv. maybe you should be playin marbles or something. USA.