What's your take on sports and kneeling down during our American Anthem

I'm discussed how players are kneeling down during opening games while our anthem is going on, I'm really discussed how disrespectful and spoiled these players are. It is so disrespectful to see how they think freedom is a given instead of a privilege. These players by kneeling are disrespecting the sacrifice our military make everyday to protect and give us the freedom we all enjoy. They come out and disregard these sacrifices and disrespect our flag. I understand being an American stands for freedom of speech and freedom to protest, but there are many other mediums to do this, like social media, etc. Protesting and standing by your view is part of being American rights, but doing so with values like respecting our flag and what it stands for is to me what we should all agree to do, no matter which party you represent or don't.
Who ever feels like me, please show support and post your views and those who don't share my point of view feel free to comment.
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Wow I didn't see this thread...
Let me tell you what I think....

Damn bullshit on these player and their coaches. Fuck all this is bullshit. The football fans of our present day think that the player AND football that their shit doesn't stink . They are disrespecting the flag.

Ask a soldier would he protest by not saluting his superior officer , no matter what the fuck was going on. Why when we were in school did we stand at our desks and salute the flag. NO one because they gad a problem with the school or teacher or school president would they sit during the pledge of allegiance or anthem.

Fuck them fire them they do not stand for America. Freedom of speech or what ever freedom you stand for is the USA gives you your freedom so sand by who is feeding you...

I am sickened by this ... The president , the cops , the judges and the outcomes have nothing to do with respecting your country ...the USA.

I am so besides myself I cant keep my composure to talk about it. People didn't like this or that president before, or this sergeant of a commanding officer but they do not , should not ever disrespect the flag.

YOu don't like Trump or what some cops do then don't disrespect the country that gives you freedom to say it.

Bullshit on this attitude that this is freedom to disrespect the flag. God dammit I am done, I don't know what all to say about it. When it comes down to it how important is football and it's payers compared to being united on ALL fronts against the enemy who is attacking our country and about to blow into our borders. Remember FOOTBALL is a GAMRE dammit and the intelligence and formal education of the AVEDRAGE dumb fuck player leaves much to be desired. IMOP Half of them, not all , but many are illiterate dumb fucks IMOP again. Talented ok but dumb fucks.

Fire their asses , fine them, stop the fucking game. What is, more it's worth a fucking football GAME, or standing for your flag before some Korean fuck blows it up as you sit crying and kneeling in the stadium

Who is dividing the country , the man that is calling you football idiots to stand together for you flag or you shits that are doing it different like no one has done who loves his country. Who is dividing the players , but the players that sit and kneel.

Stand together and stand and salute your flag of USA or get the fuck out. you fucking morons.

SO you ask me what I feel huh This ^^^^^^^^^^^^ fuckem stand or get out.
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PS: some of you supporters of these football players, I ask you who you should applaud, the teachers, the nurses, the doctors and some police officers a military man / woman or some long haired wise ass , egotistical football player.

DO something special football players get off your asses and show some respect. In the grand scheme of things you mean very little. You play today and gone tomorrow. Our fans will drop you as soon as you drop that ball. Ha ya think.

This is how I feel...OMM

Ya know I must apologize, I can't keep a civil tongue or speak sensible on this subject. MY emotions run wild here

Hey this shows who really runs the game, not the NFL or the owners or coaches. They are just puppets to the players cause if they fired them there would be no game.. FUCK the GAME Support the country
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Wow I didn't see this thread...
Let me tell you what I think....

Damn bullshit on these player and their coaches. Fuck all this is bullshit. The football fans of our present day think that the player AND football that their shit doesn't stink . They are disrespecting the flag.

Ask a soldier would he protest by not saluting his superior officer , no matter what the fuck was going on. Why when we were in school did we stand at our desks and salute the flag. NO one because they gad a problem with the school or teacher or school president would they sit during the pledge of allegiance or anthem.

Fuck them fire them they do not stand for America. Freedom of speech or what ever freedom you stand for is the USA gives you your freedom so sand by who is feeding you...

I am sickened by this ... The president , the cops , the judges and the outcomes have nothing to do with respecting your country ...the USA.

I am so besides myself I cant keep my composure to talk about it. People didn't like this or that president before, or this sergeant of a commanding officer but they do not , should not ever disrespect the flag.

YOu don't like Trump or what some cops do then don't disrespect the country that gives you freedom to say it.

Bullshit on this attitude that this is freedom to disrespect the flag. God dammit I am done, I don't know what all to say about it. When it comes down to it how important is football and it's payers compared to being united on ALL fronts against the enemy who is attacking our country and about to blow into our borders. Remember FOOTBALL is a GAMRE dammit and the intelligence and formal education of the AVEDRAGE dumb fuck player leaves much to v]be desired. IMOP Half of them, not all , but many are illiterate dumb fucks IMOP again. Talented ok but dumb fucks.

Fire their asses , fine them, stop the fucking game. What is, more it's worth a fucking football GAME, or standing for your flag before some Korean fuck blows it up as you sit crying and kneeling n the stadium

Who is dividing the country , the man that is calling you football idiots to stand together for you flag or you shits that are doing it different like no one has done who loves his country. Who is dividing the players , but the players that sit and kneel.

Stand together and stand and salute you flag of USA or get the fuck out. you fucking morons.

SO you ask me what I feel huh This ^^^^^^^^^^^^ fuckem stand or get out.

this can be pandora's box like you stated muscle Mike what's next the next excuse let's say I'm a Football player & I got an improper ticket in traffic now that is an excuse reason for me to kneel down while the Anthem is playing, soon I will have frustrated players and fan with the same issue fallowing my kneel?
what I see clearly here this is a start of America lossing it's power ...
Some of the reactions I've seen are just totally hypocritical. It makes me sick.

For example, some people bring up the fact that we have "Nazi" protests (none of these people are actually Nazis, but everyone who supports Trump now is a Nazi according to their clown world logic) and Trump never said anything about that.

One major difference is that these spoiled rich assholes still get paid millions of dollars. None of them have ever been fired for this kneeling bullshit. On the flip side, if you are doxxed at one of these "Nazi" protests, you WILL get fired, and from a job where you make SIGNIFICANTLY LESS than several million dollars a year.

So fuck these sponsors, too. If Ford for example is more or less okay with still sponsoring the NFL, but will turn around and fire some poor sap who works in one of their factories for expressing HIS free speech by going to a right-wing protest, fuck them.
this can be pandora's box like you stated muscle Mike what's next the next excuse let's say I'm a Football player & I got an improper ticket in traffic now that is an excuse reason for me to kneel down while the Anthem is playing, soon I will have frustrated players and fan with the same issue fallowing my kneel?
what I see clearly here this is a start of America lossing it's power ...

OMG you got it. Ha the football players will have all the power :insane:

I like what you say. Oh I think Trump is asking us to STAND TOGETHER and the players are dividing themselves . Never a patriot to sit and not salute the flag. MOP
These players should get their act together if they want to continue making their millions, by kneeling down your not proving anything your just weakining our country..
Soon after we have comply all those cry babies demands we won't have a strong constitution rather what those crying way of laws..
This will envite a communist overtake and then those playing and making millions will end up making nothing no
Money and living in poverty since that's how it works for other communist country , sad but true..
These players should get their act together if they want to continue making their millions, by kneeling down your not proving anything your just weakining our country..
Soon after we have comply all those cry babies demands we won't have a strong constitution rather what those crying way of laws..
This will envite a communist overtake and then those playing and making millions will end up making nothing no
Money and living in poverty since that's how it works for other communist country , sad but true..

True true true and the managers are really run buy the players. AND you fucking beer drinking assholes are paying all this fucking money to go to games, yep a fucking game buying all the hype and for what. So that the fuckin football player laughs all the way to the bank on your money. Yea you pay out your ass to sit for a few hours of entertainment . NO problem but at that price when half the population can't pay rent or feed the family.

Something is wrong with this picture and it you the supporters of the sport ... at that level. WTF is wrong with you people. They are sitting down on the FLAG. Freedom in this country is a yes but that does not mean they are right. That they are not disrespecting our flag.

What is so hard to differentiate the difference between having the right and disrespecting. They are nothing more then football players. Again I repeat myself from my other post. Football PLAYERS a God damn sport that most comes natural talent. What about the doctors , the fireman, the first responders, the nurses , the teachers our soldiers . The teachers that take care of these players kids. ... They are the nuts and bolts and the guts of our country. But we want to give all the reward and attention to a FOOTBALL PLAYER , he's no hero he is an athlete and just that. Half of them are illiterate just listen to their press conferences. They cannot even talk proper English grammar ... just AX UM yea AX UM but don't ask them. The stupid fucks....

Fire their asses tell them to get the fuck out of our country.

I am adamant at if you disrespect the flag get the fuck out. :mad:

OK I am done.. fuck the players that wanna kneel. That's not resecting the flag and our country. !
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when i go to games some fans etc do not stand for the anthem. so what i just want to see the game. the protest is against social injustice oridginally. i served my country from 1975 to 1979 and i love america. i would go fight again even as an old man. god bless america. however my love for my country has nothing to do with a song. if i'm not mistaken the melody is taken from an old irish beer song. i could be wrong but i doubt it. we let the powers that be take the anthem out of schools. how many of you are old enough to remember we said the pledge at the beginning of class ? i get a rush out of hearing america the beautiful but i don't care who stands or not just score a touchdown already. i have friends from all walks of life and a recent debate all the bros who are scumbags complained about the players not standing when they don't stand for anything themselves.
organdoner thank you for your reply and thank you for your service, I have served our beautiful country's military too, I have to ask you sir like I know for my self, why did we joined to serve our country in the first place ? like you I and others that had join our military, answer it self would be for many reasons, no matter what the reasons are, pride and love of doing so..

I have seen my share of service men bitter after joining including myself, but theres no excuses for those men Including myself to go and be irresponsible and disrespect the system in wich we trainned for as a career and principal we so much took an oath for,
to me it wasn't easy at first but my love for my country was and still is bigger than me, our beautiful Flag represent our blood given and for those that sacrifice their lives so that you and I can have a FREEDOM plate in our hands, so "WE MUST SHOW RESPECT TO OUR FLAG!",specially on our nations most Iconic favorite sport, if we start making excuses to kneel against our Flag in public on a sport telvised around our nation wether for civil issues or because our way of system is not working then there will alway's be an excuse to demorilzed our flag this will only weaken our foundings belives, then we shall fall and freedom will no longer be,
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I find it kind of odd that the reason people serve in the first place is to allow people this freedom, and yet people scream and shout about it. Players kneel for a cause they believe in, and an issue that is still present in America today. I just find it highly ironic that people scream and shout about how street marches etc are too over the top and that they should protest quietly, and then when they do everyone turns around and shouts 'No, not like that!'. Maybe when America starts to address those issues, *everyone* will have an America they feel like standing for. Until then, more power to them.
I find it kind of odd that the reason people serve in the first place is to allow people this freedom, and yet people scream and shout about it. Players kneel for a cause they believe in, and an issue that is still present in America today. I just find it highly ironic that people scream and shout about how street marches etc are too over the top and that they should protest quietly, and then when they do everyone turns around and shouts 'No, not like that!'. Maybe when America starts to address those issues, *everyone* will have an America they feel like standing for. Until then, more power to them.

Well you posted your 2 cents and we respect that, that being said the NFL already mentioned their policy in public " RESPECT THE FLAG OR FACE BEING BENCHED!!...

now that shows power and respect to most of us that don't want to see morons sitting or kneeling while watching a game, these clowns players better get their act together or face not getting paid point period ... with all the money these player make if they are united wich they "obviously are not", let those players invest money to organize people with high power to fix the so called unjust...point said
now respect the flag we so many fought for "FREEEDOM!!!

anything can be fixed with proper respect and money don't show off by low eye balling our flag, rather show off by Investing on fixing the Justice department with facts no bs excuses..
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Well you posted your 2 cents and we respect that, that being said the NFL already mentioned their policy in public " RESPECT THE FLAG OR FACE BEING BENCHED!!...

now that shows power and respect to most of us that don't want to see morons sitting or kneeling while watching a game, these clowns players better get their act together or face not getting paid point period ... with all the money these player make if they are united wich they "obviously are not", let those players invest money to organize people with high power to fix the so called unjust...point said
now respect the flag we so many fought for "FREEEDOM!!!

anything can be fixed with proper respect and money don't show off by low eye balling our flag, rather show off by Investing on fixing the Justice department with facts no bs excuses..

This ^^^^^ for God's sake. I agree. They have the right to kneel, so then the owners have a right to inforce a rule. Don't kneel while honoring the flag or face being fired. Anywhere you work you have to follow the rules. Speaking of freedom, I have the right to tell you you are disrespecting me and my flag. Point period.

AS Mr P said with all their influence and money they could do a lot more and GAIN MORE RESPECT by doing it another way. They could do it at another time, hey half time.

Those that kneel are dividing the players, teams, managers. owners, and fans... WTF if someone can't see the divide and they want to say it's Trump in this case.... IMOP YOU are a MORON.
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divide and conquer as i see it.

In everything I try to keep my actions to demonstrate truth. It is hard for me, just saying. The truth about Spiritual Principals , morals, proper etiquette is not spoken much to regard these days. Sad but true.

I think it is a shame that these football plyers can divide so much of the country . They at football players. Some of which are fvcking illiterate. Again just AX UM ... ok I'll stop... BUT some of you people put these guys on a throne. At no discounting them I will say all they do is go to work , train do what they do and come home n back to get it done again.
I remember as a kid, way back when, Americans had pride in our country. The national anthem was played and no one had a second thought about getting to their feet and either placing their hand across their heart or removing their hat and covering their heart. Parents taught their children to do the same. For the most part, as I can remember, the kids didn't back talk their parents and were proud to be part of displaying respect for the country and our flag..........and we revered those that served. We all knew that "United we stand and divided we fall". We all felt overwhelming pride every time the US won a gold medal at the Olympics. Remember the 1980 hockey team? No professionals on the US team??? We still put it to Russia and every american was proud. I think that's all anyone talked about for a year. Now, we have a society that believes it is owed something and if they don't get their way they can whine about it in any manner they decide. Whether it is by taking a knee......or shutting down speakers at colleges because their ideas do not match, or even ambushing police officers just because a certain person was shot, killed, arrested (whatever) by someone else. Give me a break. The news media loves to take a story (such as a shooting by a police officer) and blow it up and then just keep pounding on it until their is a public reaction.....which finally gives them their story. I know I am kinda rambling but the crap that has been happening makes me sick. I served for 24 years in the Navy (Submarine force). What I keep reminding myself is that the constitution gives us all (including those that do things against my own beliefs) the freedom to speak or protest in a peaceful manner. I don't mind people speaking up for what they believe in, but dear God these guys need to understand that our flag has been fought for and preserved by the sacrifices of so many (including police officers IMO). Protesting the flag by taking a knee is the wrong way to go about it.

IMO.....our society as a whole has begun to fall apart. I lay blame on political correctness as well as parents that decided to take the easy way out and not raise their children properly, and then those children raising their children to just plain and simply be disrespectful whine asses that think they can do whatever the hell they want to get what they want......and if they do not get their way it's because the government, or the police, or the teacher, or whatever authority figure is present is against them. We are divided as a country. Possibly as much as we were just prior to the civil war....you know the war in which many American Soldiers died fighting for various reasons, one of which was an end to slavery. Hopefully that war will remain known as the civil war and not referred to as the First Civil War.

So what do I think of the players taking a knee???? Whine asses that are just pulling a political stunt and personally I don't think they give a damn about any of the issues they proclaim to be silently protesting. What do I think of the NFL for allowing this? Friggin' cowards for not telling their employees to act within certain guidelines.

Hey , Back into it ! :wavey:... OMM here and I agree. I re-iterate my posts as well as agree with yours ^^^. The God Damn football players are noting more then any man out here. They are athletes and that is all. My dad an M.D. , my daughter a nurse, my son-in-law a deputy, me a retired Sate Cert Contractor, etc,... So what... just men doing their job the best they can and these ( in some cases illiterate) football players think they are above patriotism and the law.

I tell you what is bothering me a lot is that so many of the football fans still support the players that will not salute their own flag. :flame: