When do i feel something from Anavar?


New member
I'm 6'5, 230 lbs, i'm on day 11 of a Test E & Anavar cycle. (600 mg / week Test E for weeks 1-12, 60 mg / day Anavar for weeks 1-7). Yes, i am front-loading the var.

It's day 11 and I don't feel anything. I have went up in my lifts from last week, which is great, but aren't I supposed to feel borderline painful pumps? I literally feel no difference at all.

Although.... when i started the cycle 11 days ago i weighed 225.4 lbs in the morning post-piss. Now, i'm 230.6 under the same conditions.

When should i really expect to "feel" something, and what should i look for? By the way, the Anavar is liquid based, and i've got a Labmax on the way to test it, but i figured i'd ask here first.
Var is one of the more commonly fake compounds out there, and you should have at least noticed some pumps by now. If you labmax it that would be a good step but a labmax only detects presence and not hormone concentration. I am assuming that the var is suspended in the liquid and you have to shake it before each usage, right? Most of the time var is faked with dbol but you would have felt the dbol by now. I would wait a few more days and keep running it, but as it stands it seems kind of weird. Have you ever run var before? At least your lifts are up, and even though var is considered a mild drug it will definitely increase your strength.
Yes, this var is suspended in liquid and i have to shake it. After i shake it, i see a bunch of flake-like "particles" in the liquid. The liquid seems to be pretty strong alcohol. It tastes nasty.

No, i have never run var before.
Yes, this var is suspended in liquid and i have to shake it. After i shake it, i see a bunch of flake-like "particles" in the liquid. The liquid seems to be pretty strong alcohol. It tastes nasty.

No, i have never run var before.

That sounds about right. It will not dissolve even in 180 proof alcohol. The raw powder has a very sandy appearance and almost no smell to it. Labmax it and if it is positive you may want to up your dosage because it may be underdosed or you may just need more to have an effect because you are a bigger guy. It is not abnormal for men at your weight to go over 100mg of var daily. Good luck bud.
That sounds about right. It will not dissolve even in 180 proof alcohol. The raw powder has a very sandy appearance and almost no smell to it. Labmax it and if it is positive you may want to up your dosage because it may be underdosed or you may just need more to have an effect because you are a bigger guy. It is not abnormal for men at your weight to go over 100mg of var daily. Good luck bud.

Thanks for your help!
Ive never had great var or if i have then var sucks lol inhave to use 100mg+ to feel the pumps..... probably underdosed
Ive never had great var or if i have then var sucks lol inhave to use 100mg+ to feel the pumps..... probably underdosed

Everyone is faking and underdosing that shit now. I have 10 grams of raw powder. Melt test was good so I am assuming it is pretty potent. Hopefully 80% or more. Mast, primo and var are getting faked too often. One gear ago a bunch of raw sources sent out estradiol raw powder instead of Mast e. Fucked up a lot of people and guys on sources boards still talk about the incident because it reminds people of what can happen in this market.
Bump up the var to 100mg ED, if your calves/abs/spinal erectors/forearms aren't begging for relief in a week - it's probably underdosed.

For the record, I've had 96% pure anavar, and it still took 80mg to "feel" it. Keep in mind though, AAS doesn't really have any feel other than a bit more aggression and possibly some confidence-like sense of well-being. (I only know the purity as a buddy had a court ordered test done on his stash that his now ex-wife turned in to the police and we happened to be running the same batch)

My .02c :)

Edit: Obvious exceptions being certain effects that a drug is known for. Like joint relief from nandrolone, hunger from EQ, oily skin/coarse hair growth from DHT derivatives, etc.
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Mmm might have to pass on Anavar, it just seems way to mild and costly for what it is. Sort of like the EQ of orals.

One gear ago a bunch of raw sources sent out estradiol raw powder instead of Mast e. Fucked up a lot of people and guys on sources boards still talk about the incident because it reminds people of what can happen in this market

What a joke.
The only real painful pumps I get is when I work my shoulders. I use supersets a lot and keep the intensity fairly high. Time between sets is set by the pain I can tolerate from the pump. Just letting my arms hang down makes my shoulders hurt. The only pain relief is when I rest my elbows on something. My normal oral dose is 10 mg kalpa dbol and 40 mg kalpa var AM and PM
The only real painful pumps I get is when I work my shoulders. I use supersets a lot and keep the intensity fairly high. Time between sets is set by the pain I can tolerate from the pump. Just letting my arms hang down makes my shoulders hurt. The only pain relief is when I rest my elbows on something. My normal oral dose is 10 mg kalpa dbol and 40 mg kalpa var AM and PM

I though var was for then end of a cycle or for people with vaginas? Am I wrong?
Hello all! New to site and new to Var.
Been reading about it and I want try try it.

How can I get it? And how can I be sure what I'm getting is any good? Any help for an old vet looking to heal up 4 surgeries and burn some lard off my fat butt?
Think an old member used to say and I quote lol, var cycles are only for people with vaginas...

Truth haha

That would be 'Var only cycles bud...

FYI: I think if you can get the real deal - 'Var is the best oral out there... if you are below 10% bodyfat, it'll have you looking like a block of granite in a month!

Don't tar it with a bad brush - it's simple, TRUST YOUR SOURCE!