When do you take M1T


New member
I have looked for an answer on this and cant find it so I will ask.

When do youtake your M1T
I take mine at 5 am then before I work out at 1130

Some say to take it in 12 hr intervals
Others take all 10 mgs at once

Oh yes and I take 500 mgs Milkthistle with each dose.
i took it at 7am and 7pm before my workout... i took 20 mgs a day... only sides were drastic fat loss, vascularity, and lethargy outside of the gym, in the gym I was an animal... weird how that works
Actually I have a post on my cycle so far in the Cycle forum. I am using this cycle to reduse fat rather then build bulk - In other words I have upped my raw protien intake but haven upped my cals and carbs.
I am just a bit sorer now. I think i may go to 15 mgs next week.

When did it kick in for you, day three and nothing for me
about day 4, I just woke up tired as all hell looked in the mirror and I could see a change weird... but I noticed it day four I find it, actually made my reps decrease but strength increase...
3 weeks i lots 3.25% Bodyfat that aint bad at all during the end of my bulking cycle, felt pumped all the time noticed most during arm routines and calves
I would take once every 12 hours for 10mg ED, or once every 6 hours for 20mg ED. keep the blood levels stable.
I am 6 foot 195
I am currently taking 5 mgs twice a day
are you suggesting up it to 10 mgs twice a day 12 hrs apart fora total of 20 mgs ED
5 mgs each 6 hrs for a total of 20 mgs
In any evert you are saying to up it to 20 mgs?
Gandalfnet said:
I am 6 foot 195
I am currently taking 5 mgs twice a day
are you suggesting up it to 10 mgs twice a day 12 hrs apart fora total of 20 mgs ED
5 mgs each 6 hrs for a total of 20 mgs
In any evert you are saying to up it to 20 mgs?

I'm not necessarily recommending you or anyone to up it to 20mg's. Are you doing good @ 5mg x 2? If not, then I would try upping it to 15 or 20mg's.
I was just saying that thats how I would do it. I would just start out @ 5mg every 12 hours like it says on the bottle and if that didn't work out for me, I would add an extra 5 or 10mg's spaced evenly throughout the entire day.

I think the best thing would be to experiment and see what you like the best.

5mg x every 12 hours = 10mg ED
5mg x every 8 hours = 15mg ED
5mg x every 6 hours = 20mg ED
5mg x every 4 hours = 30mg ED Just like I would run a dbol cycle
10mg x every 12 hours = 20mg ED

From what I have heard, larger doses doesn't = larger gains. So more than 20mgs might be useless and put you more at risk for a health problem.
rjx said:

From what I have heard, larger doses doesn't = larger gains. So more than 20mgs might be useless and put you more at risk for a health problem.

i can attest to that when i bumped the dosage to 15mg per day it completely killed my appetite so now when i do it for a second time
10mg is all i'm gonna need unless i plan on dieting while on it
Sorry RJX,
Didnt mean to put you in that position.
I understand what you are saying now.
It is day 4 and havent noticed anything other then a bit sorer
I am going to up it to 15 for the next few days and see and then for the end it I need to I'll go to 20.

The advice I was looking for you did give , I will space out the doses to even out the levels.
Thank you.