When is bodyfat percentage to high to cycle?

I think it depends more on where you're coming from than where you're at. I think there's merit to working the whole process as a solution -- diet, exercise, rest, supplements, and gear -- but most others don't. They'll insist you struggle it out until you reach a magic body fat percentage at which point the steroid god's will approve and you'll have the admiration of the community.

I don't think there's any point in running a cycle if you're not also committed to the diet change, but I don't think there's any harm in "cheating" to help get your body fat down as long as you're putting all the components together to accomplish your goal.
I understand the rationale behind not encouraging AAS usage if body fat is high, but I think people tend to get a little too dogmatic about using that as a defining measure of whether someone should or shouldn't run a cycle. Assuming someone has made a commitment to the diet aspect of the program, I don't see any reason why running a moderate dose of test and even a low dose of tren wouldn't be beneficial to the weight loss program. Gaining muscle mass is conducive to burning fat. I'm not suggesting someone at 25-30% BF should run a cycle and ignore their diet, which I understand happens all too frequently and can put AAS users in a bad light (risks and side effects to the user aside). I'm just saying it's not a tragic error in judgement to be committed to losing weight while running a reasonable cycle. Those with higher body fat will have to keep a closer eye on blood pressure and estrogen related side effects. So be it. We're all adults making decisions to take risks to accomplish our goals and I personally think telling someone not to cycle simply based on a body fat percentage is painting with too broad a brush.
WTF... you just suggested a low dose of turn for the sole purpose of weight loss? I agree with your post other the that piece of advice...

Most everyone that comes here overweight has no experience with AAS. Suggesting tren to someone with littile experiance with AAS is irresponsible...

I'd say test and maybe Anavar (var) at most with a new user. I wouldn't feel comfortable suggesting anything concrete till I got more info from the op.... cycle experience and stats.

Have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) definitely for estrogen control...
Yeah, I didn't mean to toss tren out there lightly. But it's one of the best for a cutting cycle and if someone has some experience with AAS but has been away from the game for a while and is now trying to get back the glory, tren wouldn't be a bad option if the person has a higher body fat % and they're committed to diet.

---And full disclosure - I haven't run tren yet, but will be in October. I think it would be a bad idea for someone to take tren lightly and toss it in without doing significant research to review the side effects and potential problems with tren. If you run tren you'd better be prepared for what to expect and know what you will and will not tolerate with the sides you may experience.
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I was told that if your bodyfat percentage is to high, side effects will be worse. Is this true?


Some one should explain the rules to guys like this^^^ I dont think they would agree with it one bit. :laugh3:
OK, i guess I need to lose a few pounds.

Not everyone's goal is body building. You'll get ridicule from some on this board for not following the magical body fat guidelines, but if a competition body isn't your objective you should suit your decision to your own goals. The side effects of running AAS with a higher body fat are very manageable.
Not everyone's goal is body building. You'll get ridicule from some on this board for not following the magical body fat guidelines, but if a competition body isn't your objective you should suit your decision to your own goals. The side effects of running AAS with a higher body fat are very manageable.

the way i see it is this. no matter what your BF% is you will still reap the anabolic/androgenic benefits of whatever drug you choose to use. Protien synthesis will still occur. its like all the BS you hear about masteron, everyone says its useless unless your under 10%. why? you will still get the benefits from it regardless of fat%, the VISUAL effects may not be as pronounced but it will still "work". Any AAS will have a greater visual impact if youre lean, but to say they wont work is BS. The other thing is aromatization, at higher BF you increase aromatization. make sure you have an AI in your cycle and that should cover it.
So can the original question here be answered now in 2016 with all the new advances? When is bodyfat percentage too high to cycle?
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I'm not sure I buy into the "too fat to use AAS" stuff. If you are spending more $ on Adex than test, then it's probably time to rethink things though...
I do not think there is a hard and fast rule where the AAS no longer work, or the sides are too high. I think it comes down to getting control of your diet. If you are above 15% body fat, your diet is in need of help (unless you are bulking, of course). With proper diet and exercise, anyone can drop down to 15% body fat (sans those with disorders). The 15% rule is to ensure the person has learned how to eat properly first, which is 80% of the battle!