when should i inject sus 250


New member
HELL YEAH, pumped as for my first cycle. 500mg a week - 2 injections a week- time to get swole.

originally i was gonna inject monday and thursday every week. should i do that or to it every 2 days? e.g. monday, thursday, sunday, wednesday, saturday etc...
Every 3.5 days is fine, but EOD would take advantage of the propionate ester if your specific blend has it in there. I hope you have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and PCT lined up as well. ;)

My .02c :)
Im going to do 500mg in two injections. Split into every 3.5 days. Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and PCT is a must. Dont even thing about it until you have a solid plan in place. Maybe consider some blood works prior to starting your cycle as well.
do you have to take it on the day that you start the week of with your workouts? for example, i do my workouts at night:
sunday = chest and tri's
monday = kickboxing
tuesday = legs
wednesday = kickboxing
thursday = shoulder and bi's
friday = back
saturday = rest

so would i have to start the week of by injecting on the sunday and then wednesday since my workout starts on a sunday, or does it not matter? and another thing, when injecting do i go into the same spot everytime? or do i mix it up, what happens if i keep going into the same muscle?
Before i answer your questions, I believe it would only be polite to answer the main question put before you by myself and another member.

PCT is a must. Do not even think about starting your cycle without it. How old are you anyways buddy?
levi you're starting off on shaky ground, post your plan, at the moment it sounds like you dont have one and think you only need to inject sust and get big... before you hurt yourself be sure to learn a LOT about the proper method of injecting, pcy, AI"s etc
hello everyone!
Here is a website I found that explains how give an intramuscular injection. Hope it helps good luck on your cycle!