When should your libido return to 100%?


New member
4 weeks since my PCT finished, I'm feeling great again now that the horrid clomid is out of my system. However, my libido is still not 100%, I'd say like 50% at the moment.

I ran a Test-cyp only cycle and took HCG 500 iu throughout the cycle. Clomid\Nolva PCT and I am having no ED and had no libido issues during the cycle.

However, right around mid PCT it was at 0%, I'd say right now I'm 50-60% recovered. But still, I'm not the horn dog I was before...maybe thats a good thing but wondering what to do next. I am gonna get blood work in 2 weeks as advised (6 week wait) and see whats going on.

Just wondering if its normal. This is my 3rd cycle and I'm 31 years old.
I'm doing self trt so I'm good but using AAS have always has its unknowns. I'm sure your issue isn't uncommon. Only way to know is blood work and you've got that coming. Also, TT isn't the only answer to libido questions. I'd like to think men aren't as complicated as our women, but there are other hormones that come into play. Those may take some time to find their balance as well
4 weeks since my PCT finished, I'm feeling great again now that the horrid clomid is out of my system. However, my libido is still not 100%, I'd say like 50% at the moment.

I ran a Test-cyp only cycle and took HCG 500 iu throughout the cycle. Clomid\Nolva PCT and I am having no ED and had no libido issues during the cycle.

However, right around mid PCT it was at 0%, I'd say right now I'm 50-60% recovered. But still, I'm not the horn dog I was before...maybe thats a good thing but wondering what to do next. I am gonna get blood work in 2 weeks as advised (6 week wait) and see whats going on.

Just wondering if its normal. This is my 3rd cycle and I'm 31 years old.

This is a great post for all these young guns coming here thinking that a cycle is "no big deal", or "what's wrong with running a cycle at 20 yrs old". ^^This may be uncommon but it CAN HAPPEN to anyone, and I know it would be a serious pain in the ass to have an issue like this....ecspecially at a young age when your natural condition would have you wanting to smash anything that will hold still long enough for you to stick it. One example of what could go wrong.
It may never come back to 100%. You are never guaranteed full recovery. Most of the time you won't get it. That's the exception not the rule. You are lucky if you get back to eugonadal status after a cycle(normal/average testosterone levels) . Most of the time levels will be lower than they were before the AAS use. Some lucky people get the same levels and there are even reports of people saying levels are higher, but believe half of what you see and nothing of what you here.

The other problem is these guys are testing their post cycle testosterone a week or two after PCT. The clomid/nolva is still working in the body, so elevated levels of testosterone are expect, yet these guys are celebrating "Oh baby! My test levels are awesome after my cycle, IM RECOVERED!!!" You need to get blood work months after PCT to really see how recovery went. After all the SERMS are out of your system, and your body has regained homeostatis.
It may never come back to 100%. You are never guaranteed full recovery. Most of the time you won't get it. That's the exception not the rule. You are lucky if you get back to eugonadal status after a cycle(normal/average testosterone levels) . Most of the time levels will be lower than they were before the AAS use. Some lucky people get the same levels and there are even reports of people saying levels are higher, but believe half of what you see and nothing of what you here.

The other problem is these guys are testing their post cycle testosterone a week or two after PCT. The clomid/nolva is still working in the body, so elevated levels of testosterone are expect, yet these guys are celebrating "Oh baby! My test levels are awesome after my cycle, IM RECOVERED!!!" You need to get blood work months after PCT to really see how recovery went. After all the SERMS are out of your system, and your body has regained homeostatis.

Great points made here!!
Thanks Soldier. I hope more people will begin to test post-cycle bloodwork a little later from here on out. The only benefit you get from doing immediate post-cycle blood work is seeing if your SERMS are legit or bunk and if estradiol isn't at dangerously high levels.
So you guys are suggesting I'll never be 100% again?

Ballpark guess is about half lose some of their natural test with each cycle, how much do you lose? It varies. But suffice it say, don't let if be a huge surprise if you don't get 100% back what you had pre cycle. You'll know within 6-8 weeks after pct how much natty test came back.

My decision to try aas was made after I found out my natty test was in the toilet at the tender age of 43. I was pinning 1-2x/wk for life anyway.

But for guys in their 20's, it has to bd the main thing holding one back from dipping into the dark side