When to stop taking Arimidex


New member
I am planning on doing a 500mg/week test e only cycle for 12 weeks. I'll take hcg 250iu twice per week and adex 0.25/eod. For pct I/ll go with nolva 40/40/20/20 and clomid 100/100/50/50.

When should I stop taking Arimidex? When I stop the test or right before pct?


My stats are: 27 years old, 6 years lifting, 6ft, 200lb and 12%
stop the adex the day you start your pct.. .which should be about 2 weeks after last injection..

you may need to go up to .5mg eod.. but play it by ear
I have a question about op post. Is it absolutely necessary to run an ai on only 500 test per week? I'm guessing I already know the answer which would be everybody is different and reacts differently to compounds.
The only reason I am curious is because I have never ran an ai with my test/eq cycles and my estradiol was always around 20. Eq doesn't suppress estrogen does it?
I have a question about op post. Is it absolutely necessary to run an ai on only 500 test per week? I'm guessing I already know the answer which would be everybody is different and reacts differently to compounds.
The only reason I am curious is because I have never ran an ai with my test/eq cycles and my estradiol was always around 20. Eq doesn't suppress estrogen does it?

Well of course you are correct in saying we all are different. Now it is very seldom that someone does not need an AI with 500mgs week.

Must remember that an AI is preventative medicine for the most part. I myself given a small dose in the beginning would be happy to avoid and prevent sides rather then to have to stop and correct. If someone should crash their E2 I know by experience you WILL KKNOW it very , very quickly.

If so by stopping the AI I also can attest that you will bounce back very quickly and IMOP not suffer any reproductions. The beginning of all the unwanted sides to high Estrogen, if you study up, you will see, can be a somewhat a serious situation. To stop Gyno for one and try to maybe reverse if there is such, can be slow and difficult.
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Thanks Mike. I don't mean to turn this post into my thread but for instance myself on my last cycle of test e 500 per week and eq 400 per week I didnt use an ai. I got bloods mid cycle and my estradiol was 20. So would you consider me on of those ppl that seldom need an ai running that amount of test?

Completed a pct and was about 8 week after that got bloods and found out my natty test is shitty (230) e2 (17) ( so my pct was basically a failure or my test is really shot all other bloods normal) so long story short now self medicating 200mg test e per week with out an ai and will be getting more bloods done in about 4 weeks just to see where my levels are. I would have probably tried to run another pct but I'm going to run a cycle coming up here in the next month and a half throwing in a nor19 which brings me to my next question.

Cycle test e 600/week
Deca. 400/week

As I know I am defiantly running an ai with this cycle but probably won't touch caber or prami (have them on hand) unless I notice issues. I guess I'm more or a fan of waiting till the problem presents itself. I mean if your not prolactin sensitive why take it? Have to find out if you one of the lucky ones right?

When you guys say crashing your e2 are you referring to it getting way to high? How does it get to low? Taking to much ai?
Thanks Mike. I don't mean to turn this post into my thread but for instance myself on my last cycle of test e 500 per week and eq 400 per week I didnt use an ai. I got bloods mid cycle and my estradiol was 20. So would you consider me on of those ppl that seldom need an ai running that amount of test?

Completed a pct and was about 8 week after that got bloods and found out my natty test is shitty (230) e2 (17) ( so my pct was basically a failure or my test is really shot all other bloods normal) so long story short now self medicating 200mg test e per week with out an ai and will be getting more bloods done in about 4 weeks just to see where my levels are. I would have probably tried to run another pct but I'm going to run a cycle coming up here in the next month and a half throwing in a nor19 which brings me to my next question.

Cycle test e 600/week
Deca. 400/week

As I know I am defiantly running an ai with this cycle but probably won't touch caber or prami (have them on hand) unless I notice issues. I guess I'm more or a fan of waiting till the problem presents itself. I mean if your not prolactin sensitive why take it? Have to find out if you one of the lucky ones right?

When you guys say crashing your e2 are you referring to it getting way to high? How does it get to low? Taking to much ai?

First Q' Yes
Next crashing is too much Adex and you get below the normal range for yourself. Sides are similar as to high E2. But for me drastic in regard to appetite and energy and feeling like SHIT with aches.

Please I have been telling you for a while that YOU need to do more research. All the answers are out there. As far as Caber it will keep your Prolactin down.

Please lets not high jack 1this thread. :)