Which brand of Whey Protein?

I use body fortress. It pretty cheap. It probably has half of what it says it does. It is the lowest of all whey proteins. In fact, I think the company spelled it "weigh protien" for the first few years.

The good thing is that it is a constant reminder that if I don't eat my protein requirement--I have to drink that shit.

Tastes good though...

I've heard that most protein powders contain less than what it claims it has.
dymatize casein cinnamon bun is by far the best tasting I have ever had...make it into a pudding every night.....
I use the need to build muscle whey and whey isolate. With the 10% coupon it's like 36 and free shipping for the isolate.

Ur going to pay for good protein. Starting looking at the ingredients and you ll see all the cheap ones have shit ingredients.
That's not bad at all
wheytobuildmuscle is by far the best protein i have ever come across and i have used them all... the quality of the powder, the balance of isolate and concentrate, the aminos, the consistency that allows it to be cooked with, the taste, etc... it is truly the king of protein...

Are their prices good ?
Yeah I would love to try the whey 2 build, but they seem to be out of stock. What gives. When will they have it back.