Which Prohormones for mass?


New member
I notice that a lot of the Prohormones are not that good for mass building and mostly are for strength purposes only. I was wondering which one might be best for mass... I know increased strength will only help mass building but I am sure there are a few ph's that are better for mass
Helladrol will still put mass on you. I think your asking for one that's "wet" or will add water weight too. It is often mistaked for muscle so at the end if the cycle one guy gained 19lbs and the other 11. Well dude A added tons of water that will quickly disappear in the next 2wks

Eat a ton of clean cals, and I mean clean and you will pack on size.

U just need something like helladrol to give u the extra 30% of strength to push big time weight.

U can use any well rounded compound like helladrol for this. U can bulk, cut, recomp all with one thing.

GL bro
helladrol is an excellent option bro... run it in conjunction with 6-mdrol and you have a methyl-non methyl combo of excellent size... check out mrsupps.com
Any compound will be great for mass if you have an excess amount of calories being consumed. Hell even off epi I gained 15lbs in 4 weeks and seemed to drop a 1-2% in bodyfat. Just pick a compound and train hard you know? If i were to recommend one I've heard great things about Super DMZ 2.0, if that's too harsh for you try M-Sten Rx. Epistane and helladrol will pack on serious strength and some size as well.
Helladrol will be the best for lean maintainable gains IMO.....

but lets remember....steroids don't put on the mass...hard work and diets do!
If straight-up mass is what you're after, then i recommend BSL Alpha-1 Max. It gives wet gains, so a good bit of water, but this makes you look big. Take 60mg (3 caps) per day, and you will see some Dianabol type size starting to develop within the first week. I kid you not.
It will give great strength gains, and cushions joints, so you can put more weight on the bar, OR use less weight to save your joints, and increase the reps. Either way WILL put some serious size on you.
The intramuscular and sub Q water present during the cycle will give you the strength to make size gains, so even after loosing 6 of 12 pounds, you will be bigger, and stronger for the next cycle.

Methadrol Extreme will put size on you at a slower rate, but gains will be much more dry. Super DMZ 2.0 the same. M-Sten the same. All great stuff, just make sure you use the dose for each that is required for maximum results.