Which race of Humans have the highest metabolism?


Just wondering which race do you think has the highest metabolism?
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this is going to sound horribly racist... horribly.. but there is study out there that blacks do.. mainly thank to their ancestrial roots and.. the worst part.. the selective breeding that was done in america when they were slaves
this is going to sound horribly racist... horribly.. but there is study out there that blacks do.. mainly thank to their ancestrial roots and.. the worst part.. the selective breeding that was done in america when they were slaves

I immediately thought this is gonna get ugly. Lol.

I have also read something similar but I dont think you can throw an entire race into one category. I mean there are lean black folks and fat black folks same as white people same as asians same across the board. But like I said I did read something similar to what you have stated.
I mean no disrespect to the African American community
. That was not the point of the post
Yet african americans are more likely to have and have a higher percentage of 'meta-bolic' syndrome, diabetes, and obesity (48% of blacks are obese compared to 32% of whites).. If they have a higher metabolism, which they may, I'm not arguing that,, why are they more prone to 'meta-bolic' problems then other races ? Is it all diet, is it economics and consumption of poor quality foods (like process carbs) that cause the issue
Socioeconomic and demographics are going to have a huge impact on this as can be seen in the table at
Overweight and Obesity Rates for Adults by Race/Ethnicity | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

Interesting how widely obesity rates vary so wildly just from state to state for the same races.

I do not think that this question can be answered without controlled studies and some sort of quantifiable number system for say thyroid values, leptin, ghrelin, et cetera. I just pulled obesity, and the numbers are pretty crazy.

Then again, it's almost always done by BMI, which we know is shit. ;)
I don't think black people necessarily have the highest metabolism, but I would say they seem to trend towards the "mesomorph" somatotype...

Note! This doesn't necessarily mean they will have a high metabolism - perhaps at least average, but there are 240lbs LEAN dark guys that gain muscle on 3500cals/d and some that require 5000+ too.

As mentioned there are a host of factors besides "race" that will affect a person's metabolism quite significantly, and even with the EXACT SAME metabolism, something as subtle as current insulin sensitivity or even stress levels can affect fat vs muscle gain with the same caloric intake.

It would be impossible to ethically control all the variables necessary to have a definitive study, but it is an interesting question nonetheless
I would of thought Asians, with all respect. If you go to Asia there are no fat people in the outer towns where American influenced foods nor drinks have not peep their ugly heads. The towns and cities there are always bustling with people running around all over the place. The diet that they have there is also great I suspect since its loaded with so much fresh foods and fresh meats etc. and that gets your metabolism going great. And alot of Asians smoke like chimneys, due to this high rate of energy and the gallons of tea that they drink each day.
this is going to sound horribly racist... horribly.. but there is study out there that blacks do.. mainly thank to their ancestrial roots and.. the worst part.. the selective breeding that was done in america when they were slaves

3J- AKA Jimmy the Greek