Which SARMs/Peptides do You Like Most for Cutting?


New member
Hello I am going to take Ostarine & GW-501516 stack. What is your favorite stack for cutting?

I have read some research and blog about stack and found Osta and GW, This duo comes in handy for very specific goals, like cutting. For a muscle producer alone, maybe something else works better. But for cutting the muscle and improving muscle tone, this combo could work wonders. Ostarine is one of those SARMs that is loved because it does everything—burns fat, gains muscle, and builds strength. Ostarine can have potential side effects, such as HPG axis suppression or elevated estradiol levels.

Thanks in advance.
I like Sarms S4 and Gw for cutting....S4 gives me gry lean gains like anavar...and GW drops the fat off fast.

S4 is one of the most used and tested SARMs out there, but it seems to work its best when paired with another SARM for optimal efficiency. It can be paired easily with MK-2866 and LGD-4033, but this combination in higher doses can cause testosterone to be suppressed more than wanted.