Which supplements would work for me?


New member
Hi guys, I'm 32 years old, 165Ibls, about 10%Bf. Ive done some cycles before but came to realize, with some research on this site, that I need to get my size up naturally before I get into roids. So I thought maybe some supplements that will raise my T naturally. I was looking into orbitz pruducts, but hoping to get some suggestions for bulking?

Thanks for all the info!
a healthy life style is very important bro and the right diet is key, then you can look to wards supps to enhance the foundation you built. I would rec maybe a T booster like MHO poppers, there are some great studies and awesome results from that. A decent quality protein and maybe some creatine on off may help.

If you want to size up though food is the key and you'd do well to try and eat every 3 hrs and consume enough carbs and protein. Don't have to eat to clean either but you can steroid like results from a quality diet and effective routine, especially early on.
You could give SARMS a try, I wouldnt recomend them without doing some research first or checking out the writeups, but they have very little shutdown and can bring on some very nice gains, even added in along a test booster may be a nice little perk to your regimen