Who's a fan of blasting and cruising here?

This may be semantics, but I would argue that if you are running supra-physiological testosterone levels that you are not cruising. 98% of guys will be well over 1,200 ng/dl running 300mg/week of testosterone. Sounds like you are calling for blasting and BLASTING.

Sorry but I think you got it wrong bro. A cruise is just lowering your doses to retain as much size and conditioning as possile while reducing stress inflicted to the body. Nothing to do with physiological levels of T.

You think any serious bodybuilder will cruise on just 300mg test/wk? No. But does he call his drug protocol blast and BLAST, just because he's putting on supra-physiological levels of test? His cruise is probably more than your blast, but still a cruise.

Come to think about it, I think you're mistaking cruising with TRT. TRT is, indeed, supposed to leave test under the normal test range for males. Cruising... well not necessarely.

Semantics problem indeed.
Sorry but I think you got it wrong bro. A cruise is just lowering your doses to retain as much size and conditioning as possile while reducing stress inflicted to the body. Nothing to do with physiological levels of T.

You think any serious bodybuilder will cruise on just 300mg test/wk? No. But does he call his drug protocol blast and BLAST, just because he's putting on supra-physiological levels of test? His cruise is probably more than your blast, but still a cruise.

Come to think about it, I think you're mistaking cruising with TRT. TRT is, indeed, supposed to leave test under the normal test range for males. Cruising... well not necessarely.

Semantics problem indeed.

Clearly semantics. But words do matter. :)

I think any time you go above normal testosterone levels that you are blasting or running a cycle. Once above normal you are just talking about the magnitude of the blast/cycle.

Running 500mg/week of test or 1000mg/week of test are both blasts/cycles.
So why does physique development equal level of commitment? Does the fact that I'm an aspiring powerlifter and train my ass off each and every time I'm in the gym not measure my comity net level regardless of my cycling history? Does not the fact that I train through injuries or sickness, oftentimes to my own detriment, mean more to my commitment level than whether I cycle or blast and cruise?

Does one need to blast and cruise for any reason to be committed or does blasting and cruising bc of hypogonadism change the level of comportment since they're cruising for medical reasons? What about the individuals who have enough training and nutritional knowledge that they can get equivalent results with cycles compared to those who blast and cruise bc they can't gain any other way since training and nutrition are horrible? I believe commitment level has absolutely nothing to do with whether you blast and cruise or cycle on and off.

Very eloquently said Dre - You took the words right out of my mouth!!
Sorry man. 'Merica! Fuck yeah!

You know its blind patriotic people like you that are enabling the US army to rapidly close in on Stalin's Russia in terms of the number of atrocities and crimes against humanity they've committed, but nevermind that shit, 'Merica! Support our troops! I don't wanna read about what they've been doing! Heard of the My Lai Massacre in Vietnam? Abu Ghraib? Fallujah?

Woo yeah, don't speak ill of our brave service men and women, they are serving the interests of corporate America--I mean, justice and liberty throughout the world.

Oh and they're also unbelievably badass. So badass infact that they were so terrified of facing the Iraqi Republican Guard (who had to resort to entrenching themselves near civilian areas to force the cowards to come fight up close instead of like cowards from the air) that the CIA ended up having to pay them to stand down.



You're a pathetic loser. You started fighting cause you were getting beat up. Problem is, its still happening.
I blast anywhere from 2g-2.5g weekly and cruise with test 200mg weekly.

I get start to get tired of the multiple injections during the blast but then again when im in cruise mode i cant wait to blast again.

Its all part of the game.
just out of curiosity, what would be the chances of full recovery after being on that long?

I think it depend more on the age that you quit than how long you've been on.

If you start blasting at 21 and b&c non-stop for 2 years, you'll probably have a better recovery than a 55 y/o guy who did a 12wks cycle.
Blasting and cruising would be tight. But I don't think it is the answer people think it is. It is not the ultimate way to get big. I mean honestly I really think that after a long ass cycle PCT can be a good break. I mean some times it sucks. But it's nice to go back to not being bloated and having no side effects related to steroids. I think a lot of the side effects we get after a steroid cycle and after pct is done is slightly imaginary some times. Obviously some are not. But I think that are brains and body adjusts to being on steroids and we forget how it feels to be normal. So even when we achieve normal again it seems foreign to us and we don't realize we are back to normal. I mean 3 to 6 months of being on a cycle can make you forget how you felt before it. Or what normal libido feels like or normal energy levels.

Honestly if I end up having to blast and cruise I would not be happy. But if I do lol at least I got all you guys here to bother and ask questions about what I should do and how to do it.
I made the decision to stay on a couple years ago. I plan to be in this game for awhile, so it didn't really make sense to me to keep cycling and going thru pct. in my opinion that's a lot of stress on the body, so I decided to just cruise. if you plan to cycle off/on for a long time, then I feel its better to just stay on.
I can understand that. I think eventually if some one decides to cycle enough they are going to have to go on trt either way. So I guess it just depends on how long you plan on cycling for. Lol me I honestly plan on doing it for as long as its still fun and I am healthy enough to do it. I enjoy being really big.
gram of tren if that's you in that picture how much do you weigh when it was taken? And how much do you weigh while bulking? and cutting? That is a impressive physique.
I made the decision to stay on a couple years ago. I plan to be in this game for awhile, so it didn't really make sense to me to keep cycling and going thru pct. in my opinion that's a lot of stress on the body, so I decided to just cruise. if you plan to cycle off/on for a long time, then I feel its better to just stay on.

I agree 100% with this
Blasting and cruising would be tight. But I don't think it is the answer people think it is. It is not the ultimate way to get big. I mean honestly I really think that after a long ass cycle PCT can be a good break. I mean some times it sucks. But it's nice to go back to not being bloated and having no side effects related to steroids. I think a lot of the side effects we get after a steroid cycle and after pct is done is slightly imaginary some times. Obviously some are not. But I think that are brains and body adjusts to being on steroids and we forget how it feels to be normal. So even when we achieve normal again it seems foreign to us and we don't realize we are back to normal. I mean 3 to 6 months of being on a cycle can make you forget how you felt before it. Or what normal libido feels like or normal energy levels.

Honestly if I end up having to blast and cruise I would not be happy. But if I do lol at least I got all you guys here to bother and ask questions about what I should do and how to do it.

You don't have to come completely off to feel normal. Pin 150-200mg of test per week and that'll give you test blood levels pretty close to a regular guy.

plus you won't have to deal with moodiness, bitchiness, depression and the emotional wreck from clomid and low test
I weigh about 204 bro. 5'10 and lean. I don't bulk and cut. I stay lean year round and slowly but surely build quality muscle. fuck getting all fat for months, then slaving on cardio for months...nah not for me.
Nah I would keep my distance and keep going for leg kicks until you couldn't put weight on it. Then I'd come in with a one-two and its lights out bitch. I've beat up guys your size before.

I have a part time job repossessing cars. I showed up at this huge black guy's house once and told him I had a court order to repossess his vehicle. He came out with two his buddies and said "Now we're gonna bend you over little cracka."

So I took my jacket off, rolled up my sleeves and said "Okay, who wants to go first?" And he handed me the keys.
^ What a LOSER!
I weigh about 204 bro. 5'10 and lean. I don't bulk and cut. I stay lean year round and slowly but surely build quality muscle. fuck getting all fat for months, then slaving on cardio for months...nah not for me.

Lol ive been cultivating mass as mack off of always sunny in Philadelphia would say if you have seen that show ha ha ha. I'm about 15% body fat at 225 Im no where near how shredded you are in that picture obviously lol since im 15%. I imagine you are some where between 7 to 10% body fat in that picture it is hard to tell maybe lower. But I would love to get down to that body fat percentage that you are at in that picture by summer. I just felt like I needed to really gain some weight in certain area's like my back, chest, and calf's. I think it was good to bulk up for me but im getting fucking sick of it. It's just getting old I want a new challenge now. Like cutting down so I can actually see definition and the muscles ive worked for.