New member
Hey bros, I just thought id post up my CURRENT diet . taking into account im running clen 2 weeks on 2 weeks off for the next 8 weeks. I train 5 days a week i have one push day,pull day,compound day,legs day,cardio day. Im finding that im waking up feeling like a stick and filling out through out the day PROVIDING i eat complex carbs if i have low carb day(only greens) i look anerexic. i have a high carb day /mod carb day and low carb day below is a mod carb day my high carb day then 2pm/4pm meals would b with brown rice instead and the low carb day would only b complex carbs post workout(directly) and for breakfeast (8.30)
moderate carbs day
6am - 6 egg whits/1 whole egg
Go back to bed for a few hours
8.30am - 6 egg whites/1 whole egg/1 cup of oatmeal/2 fish oil caps
10.30am - 1 cup brown rice/chicken breast
12.00 - whey shake / 1 tin of tuna/brown rice imediate post workout
2.00 - salad (baby spinach/rocket) fish
4.00 - 1 cup brocolli/fish
6.00 - 1 big tin of tuna
8.00 - Ground steak 2 peaces
10 mins before bed - a few tablespoons of cottage/maybe some blueberries mixed in with it . I also often wake up through out the night and have a ON 100%whey isolate shake. To me my diet looks to b in order so it may just be a case of im burning more cals then what im taking in . I dunno but it frustrates me ill tell u that im cutting up BUT i just always seems flat !
moderate carbs day
6am - 6 egg whits/1 whole egg
Go back to bed for a few hours
8.30am - 6 egg whites/1 whole egg/1 cup of oatmeal/2 fish oil caps
10.30am - 1 cup brown rice/chicken breast
12.00 - whey shake / 1 tin of tuna/brown rice imediate post workout
2.00 - salad (baby spinach/rocket) fish
4.00 - 1 cup brocolli/fish
6.00 - 1 big tin of tuna
8.00 - Ground steak 2 peaces
10 mins before bed - a few tablespoons of cottage/maybe some blueberries mixed in with it . I also often wake up through out the night and have a ON 100%whey isolate shake. To me my diet looks to b in order so it may just be a case of im burning more cals then what im taking in . I dunno but it frustrates me ill tell u that im cutting up BUT i just always seems flat !