Why are gym prices so expensive compared to online?


New member
At the gym I am currently paying ***** for 250mg 10ml test e vail. Supposedly from pyramid laboratories,it has a nice label and everything but how come on the internet the prices are much cheaper?
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Please read the site rules about prices.

If you want to understand market prices take a college level Intro to Microeconomics.
the guy at the gym needs to make his 'mark up' for taking the risk and being the middle man and providing the service . . heck you can learn those 'street-smart' type of economics on the playground in middle school :smoker:
At the gym I am currently paying ***** for 250mg 10ml test e vail. Supposedly from pyramid laboratories,it has a nice label and everything but how come on the internet the prices are much cheaper?

Why would someone order from a faceless stranger in another country when you can score the same stuff from your bro at yur gym. Think about that fur a bit, I bet you can answer yur own question in short order
Holy shit, I mean did you just fall off a truck. You are talking about street prices.

This is very hard to understand by listen. Steroids are illegal unless prescribed from a doctor. So illicit drugs are illegal. So someone buys the drugs straight from the big guy (boat) and he pays X. Then he sells it to another guy at a higher price and he does the same.

Now you go to the gym and by the drug from the third guy and he ups it again.
A guy gets a script from a doc, then buys at the pharm. The he sells it to a guy at the gym...YOU.

WTF is the Question here :dunno:

:Pat: Uh, did you know it is illegal
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Kids don't know the value of certain things and clearly don't understand that face-to-face transactions are just as risky as any other method of obtaining controlled substances.

If it weren't for the fact that I have zero desire to put myself or my family at risk (dealing is FAR more punishable than personal use), I could make a small fortune from the bros at the gym.

That and I don't want to encourage use from folks that clearly have spent zero time understanding what they're putting in their bodies. :p
Why would someone order from a faceless stranger in another country when you can score the same stuff from your bro at yur gym. Think about that fur a bit, I bet you can answer yur own question in short order

The thing is I cannot find my lab absolutely anywhere on the internet,it has a nice label and everything with what appears to be a fake lot number. I am not under the impression that this was bought on the internet,the lab is called *******.

I understand the drug game lol,just didn't want to negotiate prices as I know that isn't really acceptable when dealing with these types of transactions.
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Damn. Face to face transaction? You got some balls bro. I'd be shitting myself thinking it could've been an undercover cop. Wasn't that how Victor Martinez got caught? Tried to sell gear to someone at the gym... Ended up being a cop!
Damn. Face to face transaction? You got some balls bro. I'd be shitting myself thinking it could've been an undercover cop. Wasn't that how Victor Martinez got caught? Tried to sell gear to someone at the gym... Ended up being a cop!

Lol first time I was but Im like fuck it im cracking the vail if he tries to fuck me.
Lol first time I was but Im like fuck it im cracking the vail if he tries to fuck me.

Button cams > destruction of evidence. They just have to show intent now to send you down the river. I'm actually waiting for this kid that's been slowly making his rounds in my gym to hit up either if my buds that just happen to be feds. They both juice, and will probably let him go, but they're the kind of guys that will teach him a valuable lesson in discretion. ;)