Why are my testosterone levels not as high on my second cycle?


New member
Can anyone explain why my testosterone levels aren't the same as they were on my first cycle? I have been using the same product and dosage as I did on my first cycle but my testosterone levels aren't anywhere near as high as they were previously.
we need your stats of your first cycle, what compounds did you take? did you recover well after pct of your last cycle?
get bloodworks and post them here.
My first cycle started in June 2020 and completed around August/September 2020. I gained 10kg on my first cycle which I was pretty stoked with. I started off using Sustonon 250 E5D and by the fifth week started using Trenbolone E3D. I was also taking Arimidex E2D as an AI. After reading a lot of posts recently regarding Sustonon 250 I have decided that I will not be using it again with any future cycles. I had no issues with my PCT and recovered pretty well. I started PCT 2 weeks after my last injection and used Clomid and Pregnyl for 4 weeks. The only noticeable side affect I had from my cycle was testicular atrophy but everything seemed to go back to normal after a few months. I had my blood works done recently as I'm nearing the end of my second cycle. I posted these results on here about a week or two ago but I will attach another copy to this thread now. I apologise for my delayed response to your post as I did not receive any notifications about this.
Cycle 1 Blood Test Results
Testosterone 86.6 nmol/L (10.0 - 35.0) nmol/L
SHBG 53 nmol/L (10 - 70) nmol/L
Free Testosterone 2113 pmol/L (225 - 725) pmol/L

Cycle 2 Blood Test Results
Testosterone 46.7 nmol/L (10.0 - 35.0) nmol/L
SHBG 15 nmol/L (10 - 70) nmol/L
Calculated Free Testosterone 1599 pmol/L (225 - 725) pmol/L

FSH < 1 UI/L (< 9)
LH < 1 IU/L (< 8)
Oestradiol 620 pmol/L (< 100)
Prolactin 380 mIU/L (< 330)
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Tolerance and desensitization: With repeated exposure to exogenous testosterone or anabolic steroids, your body may develop a tolerance to the compounds. This means that over time, the same dosage may not produce the same level of response as it did during your first cycle. It's important to carefully manage dosages and cycle lengths to minimize tolerance and maintain optimal hormone balance.

Inadequate recovery: Proper post-cycle therapy (PCT) is crucial to help restore natural testosterone production after a steroid cycle. If you didn't allow sufficient time for recovery between cycles or if your PCT was not effectively managed, it could impact your testosterone levels during subsequent cycles.

Individual factors: Hormone levels and responses can vary among individuals. Your genetics, age, overall health, diet, sleep patterns, stress levels, and other lifestyle factors can influence testosterone production and its response to exogenous substances. It's possible that your body's natural testosterone production may differ from one cycle to another.

Inconsistent or counterfeit substances: The quality and authenticity of the substances

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