Why cant i give a bit more with my diet?


New member
Hi everyone...

I am a serious trainer...my dedication and committment is very high...i train 4-5 times per week balls to the wall.

The problem is i seem to eat clean all of the time and never have a cheat day or a cheat meal. I crave so much stuff but i tend not to have it simply because i dont...thing is it seems to be having an effect on my relationship...we dont go out to eat...dont even have a bit of ice cream when we are watching a film at the weekend...and etc...

I think the last time i had something 'not clean' was around 20 weeks ago when i had a Chinese one Saturday night...since then i have been dieting to bring my bodyfat levels down to bring out definition more and i havent strayed from the diet and have progressed very well.

However...am i in too deep...im not an elite sportsman...i train for fun and vanity...i am not doing any competitions...i appreciate that being dedicated to training and my diet is great...but have i gone too far...

I thought about this today and just thought even if i was to have a cheat day once every 2 weeks is this likely to do damage to my physique when you look at it as in i have 24 cheat days per year...doesn't sound all that bad when you think of it like that.

Any input i welcome and i am new to the forum so hello tall of you you members... thank you guys.
If your trying to get down to single digits then cheating just won't work. I just got back from a RC issue and since rehab I have been cutting. I have one "cheat" day where i eat clean I just don't count cals. You can still go out to eat without any issues. Take her to a nice steak joint. Then tell the waiter you want your steak plain get some steamed broccoli on the side and a sweet potato. If your in need of a place that does this check out ruby Tuesdays.

Say this exactly
I want a new strip 86 the steak sauce
Steamed broccoli on the side 86 the butter on the broccoli
and a sweet potato 86 the sweet potato toppings

There are a lot of other places you can go to. I like sashimi. Not sushi! It is pretty much all protein and omega 3's. Just avoid the soy sauce the sodium will wash your abs out. They have another sauce that is brown that is vinegar and lime forget the name but it is pretty good. Hope that helps some.
If your trying to get down to single digits then cheating just won't work. I just got back from a RC issue and since rehab I have been cutting. I have one "cheat" day where i eat clean I just don't count cals. You can still go out to eat without any issues. Take her to a nice steak joint. Then tell the waiter you want your steak plain get some steamed broccoli on the side and a sweet potato. If your in need of a place that does this check out ruby Tuesdays.

Say this exactly
I want a new strip 86 the steak sauce
Steamed broccoli on the side 86 the butter on the broccoli
and a sweet potato 86 the sweet potato toppings

There are a lot of other places you can go to. I like sashimi. Not sushi! It is pretty much all protein and omega 3's. Just avoid the soy sauce the sodium will wash your abs out. They have another sauce that is brown that is vinegar and lime forget the name but it is pretty good. Hope that helps some.

dude i love sushi and sashimi i eat that atleast 2x a week
Sushi is good but, I blow up if I eat high GI carbs. The brown rice version is NG for me so just straight up Sashimi for me. OP try salmon belly, fatty tuna, and striped bass. Let us know if this would work out for you. When I am in a relationship I always make Sunday night my date night. Not that I don't see them during the week, but that is for other things...