why do YOU use peptides? what benefits the most?


card counting specialist
I'm just getting into researching peptides, and I'm wondering how you all are benefiting from them. Do you get size? Strength? Improved recovery? Recomp? What makes you pick one or the other...etc.

Tell me if I'm getting this right....From what I gather they are relatively mild and are typically used for long cycles.
The GHRH and GHRPs work synergistically to promote HGH and IGf release...
The way they are described it seems they all do the same thing, so wich,is best for what goals? Of course I'm after size and strength and improved recovery.
So why do YOU use them? Tell me how they benefit you.
The only peptide that will really help you (add) mass is going to be igf, i'm partial to igf1-lr3 I believe that there is a lot more backing science and I use it and it works. The most popular stack is ghrp2 and cjc no dac, and for good reason I've ran almost all of them and that combo is my favorite. You heal about half a day faster per workout, you wake up feeling well rested even if you don't get to sleep that long. Tendon and joints hurt much less after a few weeks of use. The main aspect that I like the most is the quality of the muscle and the durability of it, by durability I mean longevity. The muscle just doesn't want to go away, if you use them during a cut its amazing the muscle is stubborn and refuses to let it self waste away. If I cycle if I don't use peptides throughout I at minimum use them the last 4 weeks and 2-4 weeks post cycle. Maintaining the muscle after doesn't even seem to be a chore.
Recovery is definitely something I'm after. Sleep quality is always a problem too. Ghrp2 and cjc1295 is what I'm considering. I just want to get more feedback before I jump in.
Recovery is definitely something I'm after. Sleep quality is always a problem too. Ghrp2 and cjc1295 is what I'm considering. I just want to get more feedback before I jump in.