why does my fina look cloudy


feeding BH his daily cum
I followed the same instructions as allways but this tme it looks cloudy not clear and golden is it still good it felll good
I just keep it and shoot it when its cloudy. Its still good, you can reheat if you're anal about it but all we're trying to do is get that tren deep in our muscle. Itl get there whether cloudy or clear.
Did you use Universal Kits? If so make sure you ask for whatman filters next time. If not then do what the posts above me expalined, but either way it'll work like DF said, except it will be a little painful.
hey thanx guys for all your help I appreciate it YOU were all right thanks
Sometimes Tren simply comes out cloudy... usually if you filter 2x and then seal/bake it will clear it up some, but not completely. Also, is your 10ml vial cloudy? Or did you make like 100ml at a time and that is what is cloudy... cloudiness for some reason dilutes when you put it in a smaller container.

yeah i made 100ml at once im gonna filter it once more to be sure and then heat it up see what happens first time it came out like this though but its the first time i used a kit usually i do the old coffe filter method bake let cool and im done but i beleive the sterility factor in the kits is worth the extra work