Why dos a keto diet look so much like Akins .


New member
To go into ketosis, you need to be super carb-starved for at least ten days. There are ways to speed this up (metformin for one), but generally you should be careful with ketosis. The reason adkins and ketogenic and paleo diets look the same is they are roughly the same goal with different approaches. Paleo is closer to religion, adkins is for fatties who want to eat lots of shitty food but still lose weight.
That's because Atkins IS a keto diet. I don't know if they still recommend it, but they used to have you buy keto sticks to ensure you were in a ketoacidotic state after induction (first week) which limited you to 20g of carbs or less. It really does work, but it can be tough to stick to given how many foods have carbohydrates added to them to balance taste. Once you start reading labels on foods, it's sickening how much sugar is added to everything that has been processed. (fructose/glucose/sucrose/lactose/dextrose/etc.)
OP, the 2 carb days your thinking of is the "cyclic keto diet". This thread would be better off in the diet and nutrition section.